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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Page 11

  “... And where is he now?“

  “His companion is unwell and he is now with her in the medical center.“

  Spica answered the question of Antares. Although she had not communicated with Minoru since yesterday, she continuously monitored his activities.

  “This companion is also our relative?“

  “No. This girl is a man.“

  “Kindred fled the country with a human girl...? He seems to have some kind of confusing situation of his own.“

  “Raymond Clark must know the situation of Kudou Minoru.”

  “I see... no, that can't be put off.” One must get in touch with this Kudou Minoru.

  Hearing Antares, Spica frowned.

  “Kudou Minoru is able to isolate itself from our network at will. Convincing him will be a daunting task.“

  “I understand. There is nothing to be done, you will have to use relatively crude methods. You knew this and patiently watched him while you were waiting for us.“

  “Yes, major.“

  When Antares and Sargas were still human, they specialized in the magic of psychic intervention. Having become Parasites, they have not lost their skills. On the contrary, their power of influence only increased.

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  Spica thought that these two would be able to overcome the mental barrier to Minoru with the magic of psychic intervention.

  Antares and the silently nodding Sargas decided to do so.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  July 19, 13:00. Tatsuya arrived at the headquarters of the 1-0-1 brigade, located at the base of Kasumigaura. He was called there by phone.

  At 9 a.m., Fujibayashi Kyouko called him. They only talked about the case, but Tatsuya was not overly cold in talking to her. He did not yet know what exactly Maya suggested Kyouko, but heard their conversation after the funeral of Kudou Retsu, where Maya offered to change the situation. Tatsuya suggested that some kind of agreement was discussed in their conversation about Fujibayashi Nagamasa’s interference in his pursuit.

  However, the reason Tatsuya responded to Saeki’s challenge was different. He went to the brigade headquarters, believing that it was worth clarifying his position.

  “Special officer, thank you for coming.”

  Saeki who greeted him, clearly showing only the appearance of a smile, Tatsuya greeted not saluting, but with a slight bow-nod. He was in ordinary casual clothes and without a hat, so from the point of view of manners everything was in order. According to some (erroneous) tradition, earlier Tatsuya used the standard salute of honor for salutation.

  Seeing Tatsuya's current greeting, standing next to Saeki Kazama felt the situation was awkward.

  Saeki may also have noticed that Tatsuya’s behavior is different from what she used to be.

  However, she wanted to immediately begin the planned interrogation.

  “Your Excellency Saeki.” I’m giving up my status right now.

  However, Tatsuya spoke first.

  -...In what sense?

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  In response to a question, Saeki Tatsuya took an oblong envelope from the inside pocket of his summer jacket and laid it on the table.

  It was signed as a "notice of resignation."

  - I AM...

  Kazama experienced an even stronger sense of awkwardness and inappropriateness from what was used by Tatsuya’s universal ego than before. But he understood that this was not the time to worry.

  “... not a real soldier, so notice may not be required.” However, this is my decision.

  Saeki removed all expression from her face, looked at the envelope and said:

  “I can't accept that.”

  - Your Excellency. This is not a "letter of resignation," but a "notice of resignation."

  Moreover, at the time I was awarded the rank of special officer, no agreement was reached on the duration of my service. I must be free to leave at any time.

  - And so you think that society will accept your excuse of "this work has ceased to like me, so I'm leaving" !?

  - If you refer to public opinion...

  Responding unable to hide Saeki's annoyance, Tatsuya made a completely serious face.

  “... then is not compelling a minor to military service contrary to this very public opinion?”


  This tricky Tatsuya argument has definitely had an effect on Saeki.

  “... Have you forgotten who you are?” You are a magician of the Strategic class. We cannot let you leave the army arbitrarily.

  - Why?

  - Why... Because the state should not leave unattended a destructive force comparable to strategic weapons. You're kind of not stupid, and you can figure it out without Page 106

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  additional dubbing.

  Saeki no longer hid her annoyance.

  And Tatsuya, in turn, stopped hiding his cold and indifferent face.

  - It is not the state that wants to leave the magic of the Strategic Class unattended. And the government.

  -...What's the difference?

  - The government is persistently striving to hold arms in its hands. And the state attaches great importance to the use of weapons in their interests.

  “But it is the government that decides how weapons will be used in the interests of the state.”

  - Usually it is. Tatsuya calmly agreed with Saeki's argument.... However, he continued immediately.

  - Decisions on the use of strategic weapons are made at least by politicians, not by the military.

  Saeki's face turned slightly red. And the reason was anger, not shame.

  “You mean that I am a military dictator who disregards the opinions of civilians?”

  - These were general considerations. And speaking generally, military force should not belong to just one person. magicians of the Strategic class, possessing a military force comparable to strategic weapons, are special people who do not fit into the general framework.

  “... Do you mean that you are a person requiring special treatment?” Saeki asked in a mocking tone.

  “Not much.” A specific one.

  Tatsuya did not succumb to provocation. Yes, and could not - because his emotions were clearly limited. In this case, Tatsuya's “curse” worked as his weapon.

  - Guided by general criteria, you cannot follow in the right or wrong direction. General rules do not apply to such special people as magicians of the Strategic class. Even if I do Page 107

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  not have masters, then my magic can still serve for the good of national defense.

  Conversely, if they restrict me, I will not always be able to use magic for the sake of the country.... Remember, for example, the fact that brainwashing impairs magical abilities.

  Tatsuya spoke out the last sentence in an ironic tone.

  “... When a Strategic-class magician uses his power, anyone but the government will be responsible for the consequences.” Shiba Tatsuya, you already struck with your magic of the Strategic class on the territory of another state. Breaking relations with self-defense forces, will you take sole responsibility for such massive destruction?

  - At the time of October 31, 2095, I was considered a special officer and attacked the VAA fleet on the orders of self-defense forces. I think I should not tell your wise Excellency Lieutenant General Saeki that ignoring the chronology is sophistry.

  Even without Tatsuya's instructions, Saeki understood that this was a stupid excuse.

  - I'm not talking about the past, but about the future!

  The meaning of her words was not completely clear.

  Saeki quickly realized that she had not said enough to understand her thoughts. Before Tatsuya pointed this out to her, she continued her refutation attempt, pronouncing the words with a tongue twister.

  “You just said that you will use the magic of the Strategic Class for the sake of the state, even if you do not work for the government?” I mean, will you take sole responsibility for this?

  “Your Excellency, this is the reverse order.” When it is required to use the magic of the Strategic Class for the sake of the state, it should be used only after the state... the government will make a firm promise to assume this responsibility. I am not good natured enough to take responsibility instead of the state.

  Saeki pierced Tatsuya with her gaze for a while.

  She simply looked at him, and did not try to refute his words.

  If this dispute had a judge, then at that moment he must have declared Tatsuya's victory.

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  - Our cooperation lasted almost five years. Thank you for watching me, all the best.

  But Tatsuya did not come here to argue with Saeki. Honestly, this argument was just a waste of time for him. If Saeki humbly accepted the notice of resignation, then he would not have to deal with it.

  Of course, Tatsuya did not think that Saeki would agree with a smile to his departure from the army.

  “... Lieutenant Colonel Kazama, to detain special officer Ooguro.”

  Saeki gave Kazama exactly the order that Tatsuya was expecting.

  In general, Tatsuya thought Saeki would do this from the very beginning.

  - Commander.

  But it was not Kazama who was the first to respond to Saeki’s order.

  Major Yanagi requested an order from his immediate commander, who had not yet undertaken anything.

  “... Yanagi, go ahead.”

  By order of Kazama, Major Yanagi and his subordinates (soldiers and junior officers) began to move.

  This room was pretty small. It was impossible to use large-scale magic.

; No, Tatsuya, of course, had the option to destroy this room and escape. But Yanagi and his subordinates, as members of a separate magically equipped battalion, could not ignore the possibility that the office of the commander-in-chief of the brigade in which their battalion was listed would suffer, and that the hostess of this cabinet, Lieutenant General Saeki, would be involved in the showdown. They were forced to attack Tatsuya only with the help of magic that controlled their bodies, and magic that caused damage upon contact.

  There were four attackers, including the Yanagi. Kazama still has not budged.

  The first blow was delivered by Yanagi.

  Taking a step forward with his right foot, he lunged forward with his right hand.

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  It seems that this was not an ordinary fighting style, but the first attack from a series of strokes. This blow was aimed at the solar plexus. Tatsuya did not shy away from this and took the attack with the palm of his left hand.

  But Yanagi's right fist continued to press Tatsuya's left arm.

  His power was aimed precisely at Tatsuya's center of gravity, and it could not be turned aside.

  Tatsuya had to put much more effort into his left hand so that this blow would not reach his body.

  During this fight between the right fist and the left palm, Tatsuya and Yanagi did not move.

  The Yanagi subordinates took advantage of this and attacked left and right.

  Tatsuya stepped back with the help of movement magic, maintaining a fighting stance.

  Yanagi this time stepped forward with his left foot and lunged forward with his left hand.

  This time it was a strike with the base of the palm. Tatsuya did not shy away from him either.

  However, he did not block it, but accepted it with his torso.

  Yanagi's left palm entered Tatsuya's right side. Yanagi frowned at the sensation conveyed to him from his palm.

  It was a sensation of a broken rib.

  This lunge with Yanagi’s palm ended in a fracture at Tatsuya.

  Yanagi absolutely did not expect that everything would turn out so simple.

  That is why the reaction of Yanagi is late.

  The delay was negligible, just one instant. However, during this time interval of less than half a second, Tatsuya's right hand reached Yanagi's face.

  It was a blow with the base of the palm, but with the movement of only the arm, Page 110

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  without working the lower back.

  Such a blow should not have sufficient strength and was usually used only to distract attention. However, Yanagi lost his balance from him and fell on one knee.

  The reason for this was the movement magic activated by Instant Call.

  Tatsuya magic set in motion his right hand, causing her to strike Yanagi.

  It was a partial imitation of the magic of "Self-Puppet", which specialized in Tomitsuka Hagane. Tatsuya could not imitate the Self-Puppet completely, but could reproduce it within the limits of one right hand.

  At the very moment that Yanagi was thrown back, Tatsuya no longer had a turning point. Self-healing using magic of the same name.

  Eliminating his damage, Tatsuya took a step forward to finish off Yanagi.

  However, he was forced to interrupt the "persecution".

  Three subordinates of Yanagi from three different sides simultaneously attacked Tatsuya.

  These were fighters from a platoon that had undergone special training in melee skills under the leadership of Major Yanagi. Even Tatsuya had poor prospects in a battle of three against one. Before he was completely surrounded, he took a big jump and landed in front of the door.

  Now he stood at the front door of the commander’s office, albeit with his back to her.

  - Do not let him run away! - Yanagi shouted to his subordinates, recovering from the damage, after which he got up and also rushed forward.

  Saeki pressed something on the desktop console. Probably remotely locked the door.

  The door looked like ordinary wood, but it was only outwardly. In fact, it was made of special steel plates glued with decorative wooden panels.

  But Tatsuya did not even reach for the doorknob.

  Instead, he moved toward the approaching Yanagi.

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  Yanagi's right arm moved into Tatsuya's chest.

  Tatsuya's right arm moved into Yanagi's chest.

  It was not like a mirror image, but as if a three-dimensional image was projected in a rotated form. From exactly the same position, they simultaneously carried out exactly the same blows.

  A wave of vibration was released from the palm to the heart of the enemy. It was a melee technique using the magic of an oscillation system.

  Yanagi won in power.

  But there was no significant difference between the results of their strikes.

  Both legs cringed.

  Yanagi fell to his knees.

  But Tatsuya only staggered and stood up straight again. The damage was nullified by the Recovery.

  In order not to fall completely, Yanagi leaned on the floor with his left hand, and grabbed his chest with his right. His forehead covered with sweat. Tatsuya went right past him and his subordinates, frozen in place. He headed deep into the room.

  To the table of Saeki.

  But here Tatsuya's review was blocked.

  Kazama stood before him.

  Tatsuya did not even understand when Kazama had time to move.

  But Tatsuya did not stop, but continued to move forward.

  And the moment Tatsuya approached Kazama...

  Tatsuya's body soared into the air.

  And hit Saeki's desk. Hitting the table not from above, but from the side, Tatsuya fell to the floor.

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  Kazama did not turn around.

  Tatsuya turned to Kazama and stood as if nothing had happened.

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  -... Substitute yourself to damage the enemy and defeat?

  In response to Kazama's words...

  “No, that could be called a draw.” However, I do have a tool that erases damage. The only difference is this.

  Tatsuya spoke in a tone that sets out well-known facts.

  If you look closely, you could see that Kazama's legs were trembling slightly. He struggled to support directly his body, which had to fall for a long time.

  At the time of the throw, Tatsuya sent a vibrational wave through the point of capture of his hand.

  This vibrational magic was much more powerful than the one sent to Yanagi. Even the so-called Instant Call does not complete the activation instantly. When you spend extra time on this, it means that you don’t have it left to group and fall safely. But you can afford to do such things thanks to the ability of automatic self-healing.

  Tatsuya turned and held out his hand toward Saeki.

  Saeki instantly grabbed her hand on the handle of the drawer in which the gun lay.

  Tatsuya's hand reached the desktop console.

  Saeki froze in surprise.

  Unlocking the door lock, Tatsuya turned around.

  - So, your victory over the master was not an accident? - Kazama spoke with Tatsuya heading for the door when he passed him.

  - Then I lost. I'm still not able to defeat the master. - Answered Tatsuya passed Yanagi.

  Yanagi did not move. More precisely, he could not move.

  Tatsuya left the commander’s office.

  As soon as he closed the door behind him, Kazama collapsed on one knee, and two subordinates rushed to him. The remaining subordinate hurried to Yanagi.

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  It took about two minutes after Tatsuya left.

  Restoring his breath, Kazama rose.

  “Take Major Yanagi to the clinic.”

  - There is.

  Yanagi obediently leaned on the shoulders of two subordinates, and they left the commander's office.

  “You are free too.”

  - There is.

  Kazama also released the remaining junior officer. Only two remained in the commander’s office - Saeki and Kazama.

  “... Lieutenant Colonel, have you taken the matter lightly?”

  Saeki rebuked Kazama in the form of a question.

  - I did not give in.

  Kazama did not deny that he was frivolous. Do not kill the enemy, do not destroy the building and interior items. Under such conditions, one cannot become "serious." The same went for Yanagi, and Tatsuya too.