Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Read online

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  “So never try to get into my head again. I do not want to control anyone. And I don’t want anyone to control me.”

  “... Got it. - Antares answered him. “We will never do that again.” We apologize for our deed.”

  “Apologies are accepted. For my part, I also apologize for my rude behavior.“

  At this Minoru interrupted his mental connection.

  “Rude behavior...?” - Groaned Antares.

  The bitterness of defeat was present in his voice, as well as on the face of Sargas who heard him.

  Chapter 6

  Saturday, July 20th. It was the last day of the first semester, but Tatsuya was not going to go to school today. However, this did not mean that he was going to indulge in laziness all morning.

  6:30 a.m. Tatsuya had breakfast at the already familiar company of Miyuki, as well as Lina, who had recently begun her usual everyday life.

  “Onii-sama, here you are.”

  Despite the fact that Miyuki soon needed to go to school, she managed to make sure that Tatsuya finished breakfast with her own brewed coffee.


  Tatsuya said, took the cup and immediately brought it to his lips.

  “Pleasant taste. It’s sad that for some time I won’t be able to enjoy the coffee Miyuki made.“

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  Hearing the words of Tatsuya, Miyuki returned to her place with sadness dropped.

  And Lina, in anticipation of Tatsuya's next words, on the contrary, straightened up unconsciously.

  “Today, as planned, I will go to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands from Miyakijima.”

  Senator Wyatt Curtis promised that the destroyer would approach Miyakijima this afternoon. Since then, Tatsuya no longer communicated with Curtis, but if the schedule he sent was valid, then tonight he will head towards Midway Island and Pearl and Hermes Atoll.


  There was a slight bitterness in Miyuki's voice. But she was connected not with the sadness of separation, but with concern for Tatsuya.

  “Lina. I trust Miyuki to you during my absence.“

  If we talk about anxiety, then about Tatsuya could say the same thing.

  “Yeah, rely on me. And in return, take care of Ben.“

  Tatsuya entrusted Lina with Miyuki's guard, and Lina asked Tatsuya to save Canopus.

  They have exchanged these promises many times. Now they have confirmed them one more time, because Tatsuya will leave for Miyakijima in the first half of the day, that is, before they return from school.

  “I'll take care. And about Major Canopus, and about Minami.“

  “Yes... Thanks, Onii-sama.”

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Miyakijima, 2 p.m.

  Tatsuya stood on a pier in the port, recently built on the northeast coast of the island, and looked at the sea. The USNA helicopter destroyer “Matthew C. Perry”, although not visible beyond the horizon, was supposed to anchor in adjacent waters in the direction Tatsuya was looking. Tatsuya heard about this from the members of the island’s defense Page 128

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  detachment (and they, in turn, learned about it from the captain of the destroyer by radio), and therefore went to the pier.

  Matthew C. Perry is the destroyer promised three days ago by Tatsuya Wyatt Curtis.

  Who knows if there was any secret intention that the ship sent was named after the admiral who headed the so-called Black Ships, which made Japan open to international relations in the mid-19th century.

  Tatsuya did not stand on the pier to try to see a ship that could not be seen from here.

  To his right, a small ship was preparing to be dispatched. On it, he was going to go to the destroyer.

  “Shiba-san, the preparation is complete.”

  Tatsuya said the captain of this ship after a little more than five minutes of waiting under the rays of the summer sun. A small ship was not a pleasure boat 10-20 meters long, but a ship with a total length of 50 meters and a crew of 20 people, originally built as a patrol ship. The fact that in the presence of 20 crew members, the captain personally came up to report, reflected the status of Tatsuya on this island.

  And the reason was not only that he was from a direct family line of the Yotsuba family and was the bridegroom of the next head of the family. And the fact that he was a key figure in a plant under construction on this island with a Star Reactor. In addition, people who were on the island during the attack of the Parasite squad at the beginning of the month also knew about his real abilities, which allowed him to easily deal with the main enemy forces. Not everyone respected him yet, but no one else could ignore him.

  “It will be a dangerous journey, thank you in advance.”

  Tatsuya turned to the captain and bowed with a nod.

  “I agree. All crew members are instructed to remain vigilant as we approach.“

  The captain saluted Tatsuya. However, he probably didn’t fully understand what Tatsuya called the "dangerous journey." Most likely, he considered this a common danger arising from the approach of an unarmed ship with a warship of another country.

  Tatsuya did not explain his thoughts in detail, but simply bowed again and boarded the Rakyomaru*.

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  [Literally "The Setting Sun."]

  With the help of Toudou prepared and received from Yakumo official passport Tatsuya went through all the necessary procedures for leaving the country. More specifically, all legal procedures were completed at the time of receipt of this passport. The reason for leaving was "sending Taurus Silver (aka Shiba Tatsuya) to the USNA for cooperation in the field of technology". If Tatsuya would participate in the Dion Project, then perhaps he would follow the same formalities. Of course, his current trip was completely unrelated to the Dion Project. Therefore, it was understood that his trip was allegedly connected with the need to provide the USNA as a union state with technologies related to a thermonuclear reactor.

  And the destroyer "Matthew C. Perry" was allegedly sent to guard an engineer delivering valuable technology. According to the directional plan, the small ship Tatsuya and the destroyer SSHA will sail in parallel courses to the east, and upon reaching the Japanese Depression Tatsuya will transfer to Matthew K. Perry.

  Thanks to Toudou Aoba’s help, there were no problems with the documents when Tatsuya left the country. From a legal point of view, the content of these documents was a big problem, since both the purpose and destination were a lie, but this issue could be dealt with even after it was discovered. And at the moment, there is no evidence of an attempt to cheat.

  By the way, within the powers of the coast guard patrol ships there is a right to conduct inspections in territorial waters. At first glance, there was nothing strange in the fact that from the patrol ship "Aguni" to "Rakyomaru" an order was issued to stop for inspection.

  The destroyer "Matthew C. Perry" was anchored just outside the territorial waters off the coast of Miyajima. The coast guard ordered Rakyomaru to stop when he was already approaching the border of territorial waters. The Aguni patrol ship set off from the west across the Rakyomaru, heading for Matthew K. Perry.

  Tatsuya watched the Aguni approach from the Rakyomaru deck.

  “Shiba-san, staying on deck is dangerous.” You better get back to the cabin... - The captain who approached from behind spoke to Tatsuya. His concern was not only in words, but also in his voice.

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  The waves at sea were really high. It seems like it was because of a typhoon moving north to west of the Ogasawara Islands. It wasn’t so strong that it was hard to stand on its feet, but from the captain’s point of view, Tatsuya was a newcomer to the sea. So it was natural for the captain to worry about the possibility of any incident.

  “Well, I understand you.“

  There was no need to increase the psychological burden on the captain. Therefore, Tatsuya obediently followed his advice.

  The cabin provided by Tatsuya was on the port side. A guard ship was sailing from the west across the Rakyomaru heading north. In other words, approaching from the port side. Therefore, from the window of the cabin one could observe the situation.

  However, Tatsuya would not have had trouble observing, even if his cabin was on the starboard side. He continuously monitored Aguni information with his “sight” from the moment he discovered it while standing on deck.

  Both with ordinary eyesight and with an “Elemental look”, Tatsuya saw that the patrol ship was heading toward the ram, not about to stop.

  "... Too good for a simple coincidence. There was a leak from the main house about the location of my cabin?"

  Without any fuss, Tatsuya thought.

  The Aguni patrol ship was sent to crash exactly into Tatsuya's cabin.

  And he looked at it and did nothing.

  The nose of the patrol ship stuck right into the left-side area of the Rakyomaru where the Tatsuya cabin was located.

  With the development of anti-ship missiles and high-speed torpedoes, there was no longer any sense in installing heavy armor on warships. Warships of this century are equipped with the necessary minimum of armor, and rely more on anti-aircraft artillery, intercepted by torpedoes, stealth and mobility.

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  However, coast guard ships are designed to confront not anti-ship warplanes, submarines or unmanned torpedo bombers, but fleets of illegal immigrants, spy ships and pirates armed with small arms. They do not run the risk of stumbling strongly, but instead run the risk of being criticized by international human rights organizations if they sink a ship with a preemptive strike.

In cases where it turns out that the adversary was disguised as a refugee spy vessel of a military organization, such criticism is itself a reputational risk. And often it also brings damage that cannot be ignored diplomatically. After all, you can’t start an attack until you get evidence that the opponents are not refugees.

  Therefore, at some point, the coast guard ships went the opposite way from the warships - they began to be equipped with armor capable of withstanding both a preventive attack from machine guns or anti-personnel missile launchers, and a desperate blow from the hull of the pursued suspicious vessel. In other words, they were equipped with a hull capable of sinking other ships with their own blow. Of course, they were not equipped with such an archaic thing as a ram on the nose. Yes, and the style of work of modern border ships was to block the escape route of a suspicious ship, getting in his way and not allowing him to move on.

  However, “Rakyomaru” has already stopped. The guard ship was not supposed to ram a stopped ship instead of blocking its escape path.

  “Rakyomaru” initially also began to be built as a patrol ship, but at some stage of construction it was decided to reassign it to a civilian vessel, so the amount of installed armor was noticeably reduced. His hull was not able to withstand the collision with the sturdy armor of the patrol ship.

  On the port side, starting from the place where the Aguni’s nose hit, a crack began to spread. The original site of damage was above the waterline, but now the crack has spread below it. It immediately became clear to everyone that “Rakyomaru” would inevitably sink. And not just drown. It seemed that it was only a matter of time, that the ship's hull would break in half.

  The USNA destroyer, waiting about 500-600 meters ahead, lifted the anchor. He was about to come in to save the Rakyomaru team. The ships of the maritime police also left Miyakijima one by one.

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  “Aguni”, which caused fatal damage to “Rakyomaru”, in turn, backed up to move away from “Rakyomaru”. The eight-meter “Aguni” was not only an armored vessel, but it was superior in size to the fifty-meter “Rakyomaru”. His internal structures were also made of thicker and stronger components. On a surface inspection on the Aguni, no visible damage was visible.

  From the point of view of common sense, gaining some distance, “Aguni” also had to join the crew rescue.

  But only if this collision would be an accident.

  However, being the closest to people floating in life jackets, Aguni did not even try to save them. He did not start braking, even when the distance to the “Rakyomaru”

  exceeded 50 meters. On the contrary, the small-caliber ship’s gun “Aguni” was aimed at the “Rakyomaru”.

  But this gun, although it was called small-caliber, but its caliber was somewhat larger than, for example, on fighter jets. Its destructive power was excessive for such a small civilian ship as the Rakyomaru. For those who have not yet managed to escape from a sinking ship, this action was like a control finishing shot.

  Flames erupted.... That's just not from the gun’s barrel, but from its foundation.

  It simultaneously exploded loaded ammunition.

  A young man leaned out of an approaching helicopter.

  His clothes and hairstyle were disheveled in the wind. In order not to fall out, he held on to the top of the doorway with his left hand. And his right hand with something like a gun, he pulled forward.

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  This young man was called Tsutsumi Kanata. He was a representative of the second generation of improved Bard series magicians, as well as a guardian of Shibata Katsushige, the next head of the Shibata family, a side branch of the Yotsuba family.

  Kanata pulled a CAD-shaped pistol trigger in his right hand. From a point thirty centimeters from the tip of the CAD (the place where the guns blew) the beam of quantized ultrasound extended towards the guard ship .

  The magic of the "Phonon Maser" oscillation system. It was this magic that, using a shot of heating ultrasound, led to the ignition and explosion of ammunition.

  The just released second Phonon Maser, from a helicopter flying up from the other side, destroyed the second gun.

  The guard ship began to turn around. He refused to inflict the finishing off “Rakyomaru”

  blow and decided to run away.

  Of course, the Yotsuba magicians flying up from Miyakijima should not have missed it.

  A twin-screw transport helicopter approached the Aguni from the west and fighters landed from it. Stepping on the Aguni deck, the magicians of the Shibata family, a side branch of the Yotsuba family, began the assault on the ship’s interior.

  However, this did not stop the flooding of Rakyomaru.

  Rescue operations around the sinking ship were carried out by the efforts of the approaching ships of the maritime police and boats launched from the destroyer

  "Matthew C. Perry".

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Tatsuya has recently become widely known as an engineer of magic. The news that he was the victim of maritime terrorists was covered by many media.

  An investigation by the maritime police, conducted in collaboration with the Miyakijima defense squad, found that the Aguni patrol ship attacking the Rakyomaru was captured by radical anti-magic movement soldiers and officers of the Japanese Navy Self-Defense Forces. The news reported that the anti-magicians from the Aguni patrol ship confessed to trying to kill Tatsuya along with the entire Rakyomaru crew.

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  Tatsuya was pulled out of the water five minutes after flooding the Rakyomaru. All his clothes were covered in blood. He was immediately taken to the resuscitation and intensive care unit (ICU) of the Miyakijima hospital.

  Upon learning of Tatsuya’s injury, Miyuki arrived at the hospital an hour after the incident. People were crying when they watched a video shot through the ICU window, which showed how Miyuki crashed to her knees in tears when she saw Tatsuya lying in a medical capsule.

  It also caused a wave of attacks on the media, filming such a regrettable moment on a hidden camera and shamelessly showing it on the news.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  July 20, 9 p.m.

  There was a secret object in the ground near Miyakijima, which could be called an

  “underground port”, through which you could go to sea, unnoticed by reconnaissance satellites and surveillance systems on a stratospheric platform.

  Now at the water's edge of this port stood Tatsuya, dressed in the “Liberated Costume”, without a single wound.

  For those who knew the true abilities of Tatsuya, there was nothing surprising.

  “Restoration,” one of two magic given to him at birth, can nullify all damage. Both at home and at others. Both living beings and inanimate objects. She does not heal wounds. She literally rolls back time to the state before being injured and implements a state in which time from that moment passed without being injured.

  This magic does not just create an “injury free” state. It implements the "current image" of the object with a reference point at any time within the last 24 hours. For example, you can do such a trick as returning to a condition that was in the middle of a long-term serious injury, and thereby get only a small part of the original injury.

  Tatsuya was really seriously injured during a collision with a patrol ship. First, he rewrote his injuries to such an extent that they were non-fatal, and went into the water along with the ship. And then he completely rolled back all his injuries after receiving help at the hospital .。

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  Two girls approached Tatsuya and simultaneously turned. Miyuki and Lina. For today, Lina has changed the color of her skin to light brown, and the color of her hair and eyes to black, but now she has already returned to her true appearance.

  “Miyuki, it was a great performance. Thanks to him, all suspicions will become unfounded, and no one will bother me.“