Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Read online

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  In the hospital lay a doll, which is an exact copy of Tatsuya. If you look at it from the outside of the ICU capsule, it will be impossible to distinguish it from the original.

  People who know about Tatsuya's “Restoration” will doubt this truth, that he’s supposedly still in the hospital, but there are hardly any daredevils who want to invade the ICU ward, where they showed Miyuki sobbing.

  “It was not a performance.“

  In response to Tatsuya's praise, Miyuki pouted and turned away. On the contrary, Lina was surprised at her unusual behavior, and not Tatsuya.

  “I really was in shock. Although all this was planned, it was a big mistake to think that I could remain calm when I saw your bloody figure.“

  By the time Miyuki arrived at the hospital, Tatsuya had already taken off his bloodied clothes, replacing them with a hospital gown and bandages. Miyuki was not supposed to see a "bloodied figure."

  However, Tatsuya was not so stupid as to point out this inaccuracy now.

  “... I'm sorry.“

  “I understand that this was an effective way to show injuries. And I realize that lying in a hospital is in many respects a convenient state of affairs for you. But still...“

  “I understood. I will never use this method again.“

  Seeing the tears appearing in Miyuki’s eyes, Tatsuya hastened to make such a promise.

  Miyuki clung to Tatsuya, her face buried in his chest. Tatsuya did not resist this, but, on Page 138

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  the contrary, acquired Miyuki.

  Shyly turned away Lina after some time as if lost her patience and, without turning her head, asked:

  “... hey. Are you okay?“

  “Do not worry.”

  Tatsuya answered, and Miyuki pulled away from his chest at the same time.

  Miyuki's face looked refreshing.

  And Lina's face, on the contrary, looked as if she was unbearable to look at it. Lina knew that both Tatsuya and Miyuki were absolutely honest with each other, but she still did not leave the feeling of deceitfulness of the performance of planned harmony she saw.

  “... So you're going?”

  Therefore, her manner of speaking seemed so unfriendly. However, she came here to conduct Tatsuya not just for company with Miyuki.

  “Yes, as planned.“

  “I see... I think you don’t have to worry about you, but be careful anyway.”

  In contrast to Lina's words, her voice was filled with undisguised uneasiness.

  “Onii-sama. I will look forward to your safe return.“

  Following her, Miyuki spoke, putting all her feelings into her words.

  “I promise that I will be back safe and sound so that you can meet me with a smile.”

  Tatsuya swore an oath in response to Miyuki's plea.

  “...What about me?“

  Complained ignored Lina.

  “But you yourself said that you can’t worry about me?”

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  “But I'm not worried!” - objected reddened Lina grinning Tatsuya.

  Tatsuya and Miyuki giggled at the same time.

  Lina was unlikely to intentionally create a similar situation, but she managed to get rid of the bitterness of a temporary separation precisely thanks to her.

  “Okay, I went.“

  Tatsuya got into a large car, the construction of which was completed just the other day.

  It was a car in the form of an “SUV” (SUV), which differed from the previous version not only in increased to four seats, but also in the presence of a large number of installed military equipment.

  Sitting on the driver's seat, Tatsuya launched this large car that looks like a low SUV.

  Accompanied by the views of Miyuki and Lina, the aerocar sailed about ten meters along the surface of the water, after which it began to slowly sink into the water.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  After passing under water about 50 kilometers to the east, an aircraft driven by Tatsuya surfaced. Then Tatsuya switched it to flying at low altitude.

  A distinctive feature of this new type of aerocar was not its increased capacity and load capacity, but improved stealth efficiency. Thanks to the artificial Relic (also used in the Star Reactor), and more precisely, its function of storing magic sequences, this low-power but highly effective magic of hiding electromagnetic waves and isolating sound waves can be continuously activated for up to 12 hours in a row, regardless of the abilities of magicians who are on board.

  She had a low output power because the required result was achieved even with a weak force of intervention in the phenomenon. And it also meant that such magic was harder to detect. The new car had characteristics that made it difficult to detect not only sound, light, heat, radio and magnetic waves, but also psionic sensors.

  However, even this car was not omnipotent. The possibility of space flight and scuba diving were only additional functions, and remained the same as in the first model.

  Whatever the stealth of the car, the risk of being detected under water was lower than Page 140

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  when flying through the air. But Tatsuya still switched the mode to flying at low altitude, because it was not clearly known what negative consequences a long stay under water would have on a car.

  After about five minutes of flight, he arrived at the meeting point. There he saw this giant emerge from under the water. Secret pride of the United States Navy SSA, atomic submarine aircraft carrier Virginia. Secret because this submarine warship was equipped with a nuclear reactor prohibited by international agreements.

  The upper part of the outer shell of the Virginia has moved apart, exposing the flight deck. Tatsuya put an aerocar on her.

  The destroyer "Matthew C. Perry" was a distraction.

  And the Wyatt Curtis promised means of reaching the Northwest Hawaiian Islands was this nuclear submarine aircraft carrier.

  The sliding doors of the outer shell closed. Following the instructions from the deck crew, Tatsuya led the aircraft into the hangar. When the crew showed Tatsuya the OK

  sign, he stepped out of the car. Two people approached him.

  “Tatsuya-kun, it looks like you managed to slip away without a problem.”

  The person who spoke to Tatsuya was Shibata Katsushige, and his companion was Tsutsumi Kanata. After catching the terrorists who captured the Aguni patrol ship, they mingled with the crew of the USNA destroyer, which joined the rescue operation, and thus boarded the Matthew C. Perry. From there, they were transported to Virginia by a destroyer helicopter.

  “Katsushige-san. With you I feel calmer here.“

  “We couldn’t let you go alone on a foreign warship. And it is not a matter of whether we trust our allies or not, but that you are a valuable fighting force of the Yotsuba family.“

  “I understand.“

  The fact that Katsushige together with the combat magicians of the Shibata family will be aboard the USNA warship delivering Tatsuya to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands was originally planned. As Katsushige said, their presence here was to ensure that, in the worst-case scenario, Tatsuya did not fall into anyone's hands except Yotsuba. The list of Page 141

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  what should be prevented included even his voluntary escape abroad.

  Tatsuya should not have fled to another country while Miyuki remained in Japan, but there were still people in the family who did not understand this. Katsushige was sent not to defend Tatsuya, but simply to silence those who were against this operation.

  However, this did not mean that he could not be “reinforcement”. The task of Katsushige and his people was "to prevent Tatsuya from falling into the hands of someone outside Yotsuba." If it suddenly happens that on the island of Midway or atoll Pearl & Hermes Tatsuya falls into the hands of the American army, then a detachment of magicians of the Shibata family led by Katsushige will go to his rescue.

  Here, the fact that he was "not isolated" was of great importance.

  “I will be glad to work with you during this operation.“


  In response to Tatsuya's bow, Katsushige also made a slight nod.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  A little later than 10 pm, Yotsuba's main house.

  Throwing a bathrobe over her nightwear, Maya listened to Hayama's report in her private room.

  “Tatsuya-sama safely met with Katsushige-sama.“

  Hayama, even now, in mid-summer, dressed in an impeccably seated three-piece suit, informed Maya of information obtained through mental telepathic communication.

  “I see. I wonder if you managed to fool the forces of self-defense with this trick.“

  “I suppose this should prevent, at least, open interference.”

  “If so, then this performance was worth it.“

  Having taken a sip of black tea with aroma of brandy, muttered Maya, the organizer of today's incident.

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  Planting anti-magicians on Aguni, ramming them on Rakyomaru - all this was ordered by Maya to the Yotsuba magicians specializing in manipulating consciousness. Both Tatsuya's hospitalization, and reporters with a hidden camera filming the sobbing Miyuki - the whole “plot” of this farce was written by Maya.

  “By the way, what did they do with the anti-magistrate soldiers from Aguni?“

  “Self-defense forces demanded their extradition. The police are resisting as best they can, but after a few days the transfer will take place.“

  “And then the soldiers who committed the attack, before they fall into the hands of military investigators, commit suicide in order to show everyone their determination.”

  “That's exactly what is planned.“

  “I wonder if Her Excellency Saeki will intervene?”

  “This scandal occurred in the Navy. And Her Excellency is in the army. So, even if she tries to get involved in this matter, the necessary bureaucratic procedures should take some time.“

  “And yet, let's speed up the schedule. So... To begin with, let the criminals quickly

  "part" with the police.“

  “As you order. I will organize it.“

  “Yes thank you.“

  Smiling gracefully, Maya nodded to the courteous Hayama who bowed.

  Chapter 7

  Sunday, July 21st. Starting today, summer holidays begin at the First and other high schools at the National University of Magic.

  Usually at this time, the president of the school board was very busy preparing for the Nine School Tournament, but this year the Tournament was canceled, so a gap appeared in Miyuki's schedule.

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  However, this was not the reason that Miyuki remained on Miyakijima from yesterday on the pretext of caring for Tatsuya.... After all, Miyuki would have done exactly the same, even if the Tournament had not been canceled.

  Including now, when the allegedly hospitalized Tatsuya was actually not in the hospital.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  8 am. Miyuki’s mobile terminal, which had already finished breakfast and arrived at the hospital where Tatsuya allegedly lies, received an incoming call.

  Miyuki was now in the ORIT observation room. It was forbidden to enter the ICU itself by everyone except doctors and nurses. Visitors can either watch what is happening in the ICU through the window leading to the corridor, or observe the patient through the monitor installed in the observation room. Miyuki's mobile terminal was able to receive an incoming call because a wireless repeater was installed in this surveillance room.

  The walls of the hospital were made of materials blocking electromagnetic waves, so if Miyuki were in the corridor from which you can watch the ICU through the window, the call would not have passed. Electromagnetic isolation would not allow the incoming and outgoing communication of the terminal to work.

  “Yes, this is Shiba.“


  A woeful voice was heard from the speaker, which was painful to hear.

  “Honoka? Are you calling about Tatsuya-sama?“

  Worried about having to cheat Honoka and the rest of her friends, Miyuki consciously answered in a calm voice.

  “Actually, I wanted to call yesterday, but... Miyuki, that would be inappropriate, right?”

  “Did Shizuku say that?”


  Miyuki nearly burst into tears, and it was not a public game.

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  “...Thanks. For your concern.“

  “Yeah.... So, how is Tatsuya-san...?“

  “I don’t know if it would be appropriate to say “fortunately”, but nothing threatens his life. He still cannot leave the ICU, but if everything goes smoothly, then he will be discharged in about a week.“

  Honoka Miyuki answered the question with a prepared phrase reflecting the “official version”.

  “I see. Thank God...“

  Contrary to Honoka's words, her voice remained worried.

  “If you worry, then maybe you will come?“

  Miyuki’s question was not the result of deep thought.

  “Can i?“


  However, when Miyuki responded with the consent of the interrogator Honoka, the thoughts in her head took on a complete form.

  In general, even letting someone in to the hospital was undesirable. Tatsuya's hospitalization was fictitious, and he himself was no longer in the country. In the hospital lay his exact copy, a doll. If you allow "visiting the patient", then just not letting visitors get closer to the bed with a doll. That is why the option with ICU was chosen.

  However, the more visitors there are, the higher the risk of revealing this secret.

  However, if not one of the school close friends comes to visit him, it will look unnatural.

  In addition, Honoka, Shizuku, Erica and the rest are unlikely to do anything that puts Tatsuya in an unfavorable position. In this, Miyuki completely trusted them.

  “I'm glad someone is worried about Tatsuya-sama. Honoka, are you coming alone?

  There is no hotel on this island in the usual sense of the word, so I will prepare you a place where you can spend the night.“

  “Um, can I call you back a little later?“

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  “Then, around noon.”

  “Yes I will wait.“

  Honoka completed the call.

  Immediately after this, Miyuki called Yotsuba’s main house, not from a mobile terminal, but from a landline telephone equipped with an encryption device.

  Fortunately, she was quickly connected to Maya.

  Without any thought, Maya immediately allowed Honoka and other friends to be accepted.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  The news that Tatsuya was hospitalized after meeting with sea terrorists has become a hot topic of discussion in the Master Clans. Not to such an extent, of course, in order to convene an extraordinary emergency Conference of the Master Clans again, but a rather decent number of telephone conversations between the heads of different families took place.

  But among them there were also those who had enough of their own affairs.

  For example, the Ichijou family.

  “Rei-chan*, let's go have breakfast.“

  [For those who did not know or forgot: the Japanese have no L sound, and all these Liu Li Lei and others they pronounce Riu Ri Rei, etc. I used to write Lei-chan, but since the author came up with such a long explanation (hereinafter), let the "nicknames" be through R, and the real name through L.]

  “Thanks, Akane. Coming soon.”

  Said the completed morning routine in the restroom, Liu Li Lei, a Strategic-class magician who escaped from the VAA in response to a proposal from Ichijou Akane, the eldest daughter of the Ichijou family. Yesterday, she moved from the Komatsu base to Page 146

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  the Ichijou family mansion.

  This decision was made at a meeting of the head of the Ichijou family, Ichijou Gouki, with representatives of the army command. This meeting took place the previous Sunday during a memorial dinner held after the funeral of Kudou Retsu. The meeting was also attended by the head of the Futatsugi family, Futatsugi Mai.

  This measure was mainly designed to reduce the burden on Ichijou Akane, who was sent together with her older brother to Komatsu base for permanent stay there as a guard Liu Li Lei. The situation at the base was not so bad, but in the end it was decided that keeping a high school student literally locked up at a military base was not the best solution.

  The move took place yesterday afternoon, because Masaki had a closing ceremony in high school yesterday. At the private high school Akane attended, summer holidays began 10 days earlier due to unstable martial law, but in all high schools of magic, including the Third, the holidays began only today. Masaki had been absent from his school for a long time, so nothing had changed for him because of the start of the summer vacation. However, for adults who love formalities, this seemed like a "very convenient moment."

  The Ichijou family mansion was divided into two sections: one in the western style for the family, and the other in the Japanese style in the spirit of ancient samurai houses for the reception of guests. The room in which Liu Li Lei was settled was in the Japanese section. They, along with Akane, walked down the long corridor surrounding the house and came to the family dining room.

  “Good morning everyone.“

  “Good, Reira-chan.”

  Liu Li Lei, who welcomed everyone according to etiquette, was answered by Ichijou Midori, the wife of the head of the family.

  “Good, Reira-san.”

  Following her, Masaki answered. Gouki was not at home this morning.

  Incidentally, this nickname "Reira" was an abbreviation from the Japanese reading of the hieroglyphs of the name "Li Lei", which sounded like "Ri Rei." When used in names, such a reduction is quite acceptable by generally accepted norms. Akane's “Rei-chan”

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  used was an abbreviation for the real name “Li Lei,” but the version of “Reira” was proposed by Liu Li Lei herself, who said: “It's hard to pronounce my real name, right?”