Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Read online

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  It was already ten o'clock in the morning when Tatsuya took off from his house in a small helicopter, the pilot of which, of course, was Hyougo. His flight destination was the Bay Hills Yokohama Tower. Today, at 10 a.m., the Conference of the Master Clans of the emergency convocation will begin, which will be held in the online conference hall of the Kanto Magic Association. Tatsuya was called to the conference as a witness.

  “Saegusa-senpai, good morning.”

  Tatsuya spoke to Mayumi, who was standing at the entrance to the conference room.

  - Good, Tatsuya-kun. You are early.

  Mayumi smiled broadly and went to meet Tatsuya.

  “Senpai, are you here as the representative of Saegusa-dono?”

  - No, what are you. I am an assistant to Juumonji-kun.

  - That's what it is. Indeed, even Juumonji-senpai may not be able to focus on the conference if you need to manage the video conferencing system alone.

  - Yes, assistance from outsiders is not prohibited.

  For a moment, Mayumi's face seemed to darken. It seems that she knew that she would be the subject of discussion at today's meeting.

  However, Mayumi quickly regained a friendly smile.

  “Tatsuya-kun, would you like some tea over there?”

  “But will the conference begin soon?”

  “More than ten minutes.” - Mayumi said and dragged Tatsuya to a special place reserved for tea parties.

  Tatsuya knew that she was a woman with her special outlook on tea drinking. He was Page 11

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  worried that in just ten minutes he couldn’t make tea of acceptable quality, but Mayumi was not so fanatical. She just got ice tea out of the refrigerator and set it in front of Tatsuya.

  “Tatsuya-kun, I'm sorry I didn't help you last time.”

  Mayumi started the conversation with an apology right after she put the glass in front of Tatsuya. She did not put anything superfluous, like syrup, milk or lemon, on the table. The lack of frills was probably due to a lack of time.

  -... Are you talking about last month? But that evening, as a result, Minoru’s attack was repelled. I, on the contrary, should thank you.

  Mayumi talked about that evening in late June, when Minoru attacked the hospital where Minami was lying. As Tatsuya said, Minoru couldn't kidnap Minami that evening.

  “That time, the attack of Minoru-kun was repulsed by Juumonji-kun... But if we could then catch Minoru-kun...”

  “I couldn't catch Minoru either.”

  The atmosphere at the tea table has become heavy and sticky.

  -... By the way, have you been going to school lately? - Completely changing her tone, Mayumi asked Tatsuya, apparently in order to get rid of her gloomy mood.

  - I go. Sometimes.

  Tatsuya did not lie. Even if you look only at the current week, on Wednesday he came to introduce Lin to Director Momoyama. In addition, the school resumed work only on Thursday. Tatsuya decided that the answer “I don’t go to school at all”, on the contrary, would be a lie.

  But contrary to Tatsuya’s thoughts, Mayumi frowned when she heard his answer.

  “But I know that Tatsuya-kun is freed from visiting... And why it happened, I also know...”

  Mayumi looked at Tatsuya with concern in her gaze.

  “So the situation is not going as Tatsuya-kun wanted...?” After all, they didn’t tell you Page 12

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  that you should not go to school at all? Maybe then you'd better go there as often as possible? You only have six months left to be a high school student...

  From the words of Mayumi, Tatsuya realized that she was worried about him. But it was obvious that she was mistaken.

  “I'm going to go to school as often as possible.”

  And it was not an excuse; it was undoubtedly the true thoughts of Tatsuya. At the time when he first entered the First School, he probably did not like going there, but the present Tatsuya did not dislike school attendance. Rather, on the contrary, he already experienced some attachment to the First School. In addition to his personal preferences, Tatsuya was very curious about how Miyuki and Lina spend time together at school. For Miyuki, he simply (as usual) was worried, and concern for Lina was expressed by the thought "I hope she does not awaken something crazy." But the current situation simply did not leave him time to attend school.

  -... That is, it was an unnecessary concern?

  It is unlikely that Mayumi understood so much from Tatsuya's short answer. She probably sensed changes in his tone of voice and expression. The anxiety that caused her to frown, although it had not disappeared without a trace, was significantly reduced.

  Three minutes before the meeting, Katsuto appeared. Such a parish was not considered a delay. Because the preliminary training was carried out by the staff of the Magic Association. An assistant was required only after the start of the conference.

  Tatsuya and Mayumi entered the conference room after Katsuto.

  The large display, divided into ten parts, was already attended by six people. Tatsuya with one slight bow greeted all of these people at the same time - heads of families from the Ten Master Clans. This behavior was not caused by the fact that he neglected the heads of other families. Neither Katsuto nor Mayumi also greeted each of them individually, but also only made one general bow (Mayumi gave a polite low bow, bent over in her belt).

  Some time after Tatsuya, Katsuto and Mayumi entered, the head of the Yatsushiro family appeared on the display.

  And at exactly ten o'clock the remaining three appeared on the display: Yotsuba Maya, Page 13

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  Saegusa Koichi and Kudou Makoto.

  - So, the time has come, and I declare the Conference of the Master Clans of the emergency convocation open.

  Katsuto's announcement did not contain formal welcome words.

  - I would immediately like to clarify one question. - Suddenly in a harsh tone, Ichijou Gouki, the head of the Ichijou family, spoke. “Is it true that Kudou Soushi-dono helped Kudou Minoru escape?”

  - I will answer myself. It's true. - Without flinching in front of such an onslaught, Tatsuya answered. - Having turned into Kudou Minoru with the help of the Parade, Kudou Soushi-dono became a bait, and led me away. While I was chasing Soushi-dono, Minoru was retreating in the opposite direction.

  - Kudou-dono. Are there any inaccuracies in Shiba-dono's words? - Asked Makoto Futatsugi Mai, the head of the Futatsugi family.

  The Kudou family is currently not a member of the Ten Master Clans. Now they are one and the “Eighteen Replacement Families”, which are designed to duplicate the roles of the Ten Master Clans. Kudou Makoto was invited to the conference not as a party to be notified of the situation, but as a party to be interrogated.

  - At first glance, everything is so, but I would call the expression "turned" inaccurate.

  Soushi became a bait not voluntarily. - Without hesitation, Makoto answered Mai's question.

  “Do you mean that they manipulated him?”

  “You mean that the Parasitic Minoru-kun controlled Soushi-dono as a puppet?”

  Mutsuzuka Atsuko and Yatsushiro Raizou bombarded Makoto with questions one after another.

  - Right. Soushi could not resist the magic of mental intervention merged with the Parasite Minoru.

  If Soushi was present here, then he might have testified that they were not directly manipulated by magic. Soushi himself did not offer to help Minoru escape, but in fear of overwhelming power, he was forced to cooperate. However, pressure on Soushi was Page 14

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  exerted not only by Minoru. It is true that Soushi was frightened by the power of Minoru, but it was Makoto who ordered him to become bait. Minoru did not use magic to manipulate Soushi’s thoughts.

  “Can Minoru-kun use the magic of manipulating consciousness?” But in the data provided about him there was no such information.

  - Probably, these are new abilities, studied after becoming a Parasite.

  Makoto's explanation was a deliberate lie. Minoru did not manipulate Soushi's magic and did not study the magic of manipulating consciousness. However, in Makoto’s voice, answering Shippou Takumi’s question, as before, there was no noticeable excitement.

  “So you insist that Minoru-kun was manipulating Soushi-dono?”

  This question was asked by Saegusa Koichi.

  - Right.

  Makoto's answer has not changed. Obviously, he was going to put all the blame on Minoru.

  However, Koichi's questions did not end there.

  - And since when?


  Makoto first showed signs of excitement.

  “When exactly did Soushi-dono come under the influence of Minoru-kun manipulation?” I heard that the car used as bait was not rented or stolen, but belonged to the Kudou family. When exactly did Soushi-dono come under the influence of the magic of manipulation of consciousness, and when exactly did he take this car for use?

  - It...

  “Kudou-dono, have you noticed Soushi-dono's suspicious behavior?”

  -... It is a shame to admit, but did not notice.

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  Makoto's tone of voice changed from painful to modest. His confident attitude cracked.

  “It's pretty dangerous.”

  Koichi said this not in a teasing, but rather serious tone.

  - In what sense is it dangerous?

  Ichijou Gouki wedged into the dialogue between Koichi and Makoto.

  But Gouki, with his question, was not intended to help Makoto, who was in a quandary.

  He only heard that Koichi was talking about danger, and wanted to know
what exactly was meant.

  - Kudou-dono did not notice that a member of his family was strongly influenced by the Parasite.

  Koichi spoke in a fervent tone, as if he were just waiting for Gouki's question.

  “Therefore, it is impossible to deny the likelihood that besides Soushi-dono, other people who fall under the control of the Parasite are hiding among other family members or among servants.

  Koichi's reasoning was rather strained. But it was impossible to deny them either.

  Unless Makoto refuses the claim that Minoru was manipulated by Soushi.

  - Kudou-dono. I believe that the fears of Saegusa-dono cannot be ignored. What do you think?

  Futatsugi Mai turned to Makoto, trying to maintain a neutral position.

  -... Everything as he said. - Makoto was forced to admit Koichi's words. “I will check everyone at home immediately.”

  “But it is not known who is under the control of the Parasite?” Kudou-dono, can you do everything without help, alone?

  “Saegusa-dono, are you offering help?”

  Koichi did not respond to a question by Makoto, but by Gouki. If Gouki had not intervened, Makoto would have remained silent.

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  “I’ve been thinking about this issue for a long time, and over the past year my family has been looking for people who can use perception magic. I think it's time to use their skills.

  Koichi’s enthusiasm for recruiting magicians of perception magic was based on observing the very first Parasite incident last year. At least there was no lie in Koichi's words regarding this point.

  In addition, Koichi's proposal was not based on good intentions.

  “Then how about our family helping too?”

  “No, there is no need.” We cannot ask for help from you, Yotsuba-dono, when you already have problems with Minoru-kun and the USNA.

  Despite her surprise, Maya's offer was immediately rejected. This clearly proved that, under the pretext of "investigation", Koichi plans to get the results of the work of the former Ninth Laboratory.

  - How about Kudou-dono and Saegusa-dono discuss this issue later directly with each other?

  As if anticipating that sparks would begin to fly between Koichi and Maya, Katsuto intervened in the conversation.

  - Really. Juumonji-dono is right.

  Gouki supported Katsuto’s initiative.

  - Good. Kudou-dono, give me some time after the conference?

  - I'm not against.

  When Makoto agreed to Koichi's terms, the atmosphere between those present returned to normal.

  - Shiba-dono. Or should I call you Yotsuba-dono?

  Shippou Takumi decided to move on to the next question and therefore turned to Tatsuya.

  - Use Shiba, please.

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  Tatsuya answered so not because of a rebellious sense of individuality, but in order to be able to distinguish him from Maya during his conversion.

  “Then, Shiba-dono.” Were you the one who last night near the coast east of Hiratsuki staged a shootout with a group of magicians who hijacked a helicopter from journalists?

  - I was attacked from this helicopter, and I counterattacked with magic and destroyed them.

  Tatsuya answered, correcting Shippou Takumi's wording a little.

  - Yes, from the materials received it can be understood that the counterattack of Shiba-dono was self-defense.

  Takumi responded to Tatsuya's objection with agreement in his voice.

  - You could understand who the opponents were?

  “Maybe these were Kudou Minoru's accomplices?”

  Questions followed from Itsuwa Isami and Mutsuzuka Atsuko.

  “That I could not understand.” They had an East Asian appearance, but they had such distinctive features that I would not call them Japanese.

  In fact, Erika heard from Toyama (Tooyama) Tsukasa the assumption that the enemy is Illegal MAP. However, Tatsuya could not know this information at the time of the battle yesterday, so he held the position that he did not know the attackers.

  - I found out the origin of those guys. - As if rejecting Tatsuya's answer, Saegusa Koichi intervened.

  “And who was it?”

  Katsuto asked Koichi to continue.

  - An illegal squad of killers from the USNA, unit Horsehead.

  - Illegal MAP...? Muttered Mitsuya Gen in an understanding voice, hearing the name voiced by Saegusa Koichi.

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  - Saegusa-dono, Mitsuya-dono, what is Illegal MAP?

  After Ichijou Gouki's question, Saegusa Koichi and Mitsuya Gen's eyes shifted to one side. They looked at the monitor to see the facial expressions of each other.

  As a result of eye contact, Mitsuya Gen was selected to answer the question.

  - This is a unit engaged in illegal work and killings, and reporting directly to the General Staff of the USNA Army. The unit consists of three squads, all of whose members are magicians with excellent fighting skills against humans. I heard that one of these units, the Horse Head, was conceived for sending to tasks in the Great Asian Alliance, therefore it consists of magicians of East Asian appearance.

  - Do you mean that this is a certain elite detachment of the American army, designed for illegal work?

  - You can understand that. - Mitsuya Gen answered the question of Ichijou Gouki.

  “Yotsuba-dono, why did America plan to kill your son?” Gouki asked Maya in a caustic tone.

  - Who knows? Maybe because Tatsuya rejected their request?

  In Maya’s blatant manner of speaking, it was obvious that she did not even hide the fact that she was pretending to be out of business.

  But Gouki did not care about Maya's attitude.

  “Are you talking about the requirement to participate in the Dion Project?” I don't think the squad of killer magicians was sent just for this reason. Still, the rumor about your son is true, isn't it?

  Maya did not respond to Gouki’s provocation, but only barely noticeable smiled.

  - What rumor? - Shippou Takumi asked.

  - The rumor that the magician of the Strategic class who destroyed the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, the user of the magic of the Strategic class that caused the so-called "Scorched Halloween" is the son of Yotsuba-dono, that is, Shiba-dono.

  Formally, this statement by Gouki was Takumi's answer, but in fact it was a matter of Page 19

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  Maya and Tatsuya.

  Maya, as usual, only smiled impassively.

  Tatsuya had to answer.

  “I don't see the need to answer.”

  From such an unceremonious answer, Tatsuya Gouki's eyes widened and his face turned red.

  - This issue was not included in the agenda of this conference. If this meeting was planned for this, then from now on I will refrain from discussing and will not bother you.

  Tatsuya continued before Gouki managed to say something.

  “Shiba-dono, you're exaggerating.” Take it easy.

  “Ichijou-dono, you should also refrain from making statements in which you try to find out the situation in other families.”

  Mutsuzuka Atsuko and Yatsushiro Raizou hastened to become mediators in the dispute.

  -... Really. This was an inappropriate topic.

  - I apologize.

  Gouki, though only in words, admitted that he was wrong, to which Tatsuya answered with a completely insincere apology.

  The atmosphere in the conference room began to deteriorate. The heads of families displayed on the screen did not hide their decline in motivation. Or just didn’t want to hide it.

  - If the armed forces that started the shooting were the Illegal MAP, then the riots that they organized were in no way connected with Minoru-dono or with Japanese criminal organizations. This time they were able to penetrate the country, taking advantage of a convenient moment during the retreat of the NSU fleet, so from that moment on, self-defense forces, in order not to shame their honor, will have to strengthen their vigilance.

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  Mitsuya Gen probably concluded that he couldn’t continue like this, so he decided to continue the discussion.

  - Therefore, we do not need to participate in this matter. I believe that the issue that we should discuss now concerns the responsibility of Kudou-dono.

  - Mitsuya-dono is right. Although, as a result, they lost the magic of Minoru-dono, but this did not happen without the help of the Parasite, whose existence aroused public alarm.