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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Page 4

  Jasmine Williams and James J. Johnson were informed that they were being released.

  They were both very surprised, but did not even think to suspect a trick. Therefore, they behaved obediently.

  “I hope that today's mission will end without incident,” thought Kazama, and once again ordered his subordinates on the plane to watch over them.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Elsewhere, approximately 30 minutes after the departure of Kazama.

  Tatsuya with Miyuki and Lina boarded a VTOL with Hyougo as the pilot.

  ***Their goal was to provide funds to chase the Mines. In particular, they wanted to check how progress is being made on the development of a four-seater aircraft that can fly to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands.

  Tatsuya has not yet decided whether he should fly directly to Midway Island and the Pearl & Hermes Atoll by aerocar. A full round-trip flight in an aerocar was, rather, an extreme measure. It seemed foolish to join the battle immediately after flying more than four thousand kilometers. Even the idea of hijacking a warship of the USNA army Page 31

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  seemed to Tatsuya more realistic.

  Tatsuya flew to Miyakijima, considering a plan to which he might have to attract third parties.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  At the same time, an aircraft carrier approached the island of Iwo from the west. And this ship did not belong to the Australian army. It was an aircraft carrier in the British Navy.

  About an hour before the aircraft carrier arrived on the island of Iwo, a small hyper-sonic transport aircraft came closer to the aircraft carrier. The plane also belonged to the British army. Approaching, the plane landed on the corner deck of the aircraft carrier.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  A plane was also approaching Miyakijima from the west. However, it was a domestic aircraft - a business jet flying from Fukuoka International Airport.

  This small jet plane landed at the Miyakijima airport shortly before Tatsuya arrived.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  A vertical take-off plane with Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Lina on board arrived at Miyakijima at the beginning of the eleventh hour of the morning. Their arrival took place at the scheduled time, and the visit was announced in advance, so they did not have to wait for a car to meet them when they landed. However, the car that picked them up drove them to a different place instead of the planned one.

  Instead of driving to the research buildings in the eastern part of the island, the car drove to the buildings along the west coast, which once housed the administrative staff of the magician prison.

  They were brought to the former office of the head of the prison. In this room that was Page 32

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  converted to the highest standard with a luxurious interior decoration, Yotsuba Maya, the head of the Yotsuba family, was waiting for them. She was sitting on the couch, and behind her, as usual, stood Hayama.

  Miyuki involuntarily turned around and looked at Hyougo accompanying them. But he only shook his head barely noticeable with a look on his face saying "I didn't know."

  Obviously, he was also not informed that Maya would be coming to Miyakijima.

  In any case, surprise here will not help. First, Tatsuya decided to greet Maya. Miyuki followed suit. Lina was at a loss what to do, but in the end she chose a silent bow.

  Maya invited them to sit down, and Tatsuya sat on the right end of the three-seater sofa. It was a place directly opposite Maya, who was sitting to the left on one of two single sofas, standing in a row on the opposite side across the table. Near Tatsuya, in the middle of the sofa, sat Miyuki, and after her, on the opposite end of the sofa from Tatsuya, sat Lina.

  “Sorry to be so sudden. A visit to the research lab will have to wait a bit.”

  From these words, it was clear that Maya arrived at Miyakijima not by accident. After examining Tatsuya's schedule, she chose the right moment.

  Previously, this would mean showing the highest degree of vigilance. But the present Tatsuya was not particularly tense in such a situation. An enemy can become an ally, and an ally an enemy. The concept of "volatile relationships" doesn't only occur in romantic relationships between a man and a woman. The enemy of yesterday, today will become a friend, and who today was a friend - tomorrow will become the enemy.

  Like Tatsuya had told Honoka at the hospital yesterday, the Yotsuba family, which he had previously considered his enemy, is no longer antagonistic towards him.

  “No problem. So, can you tell us on what business you arrived?”

  “Sure. Guests who came from far away were already waiting.”

  “Oh?” Tatsuya thought when he heard the answer. From her words, she suggested that these were not her guests, but guests for him. It would be unnecessary to say that Tatsuya was not aware of any guests in advance.

  “Yesterday I could not talk about them.”

  From the following explanation of Maya, Tatsuya switched his attention to his thoughts.

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  There was no point in guessing who these visitors were. In any case, he will soon meet with them. Judging in this way, Tatsuya went back to focusing on the conversation with Maya.

  “But first, I want to clarify something else.”

  “What exactly?”

  “Tatsuya-san, perhaps I should not ask about this, but... What do you intend to do in the near future?”

  It was a rather abstract question, but Tatsuya was not embarrassed.

  “Going to get back Minami.”

  “I see... Do you know where Minami-chan is now?”

  “Yes. A transport ship with the kidnapped Minami on board is currently heading towards the Northwest Hawaiian Islands.“

  “And how do you intend to get to this place?”

  “I am still thinking about this issue.“

  “I see... Tatsuya-san.“

  Maya's “passive” face has changed to that of the head of the family.

  “Wait 2-3 days.“

  “...Can you say why?“

  Tatsuya asked about the reasons for this order from Maya.

  “When there is news, no matter good or bad, I will certainly inform you of them without hiding anything.“

  Maya did not answer Tatsuya's question. But not only Tatsuya, but Miyuki and even Lina realized that she was up to something.

  “I get it. I will follow your order.“

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  Tatsuya bowed to Maya, expressing his agreement.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Tatsuya, along with Miyuki and Hyougo, went to a reception room located in the same building. Their guide was Tsutsumi Kotona. She was both the guard and bride of Shibata Katsushige, the heir to the title of head of the Shibata family, a side branch of the Yotsuba family.

  Lina stayed in the (former) director’s office, as Maya told her, “we need to talk.” And when the conversation with Maya ends, Lina will again unite with the rest.

  Kotona knocked on the front door. They answered from the other-side rather quickly.

  “Katsushige-san. I brought Tatsuya-san and Miyuki-san.“

  More specifically, Hyougo was still with Tatsuya and Miyuki. But Katsushige... more precisely, the guests were waiting only for Tatsuya. Miyuki, the heiress of the title of head of the Yotsuba family, could not be ignored, but the fact that Hyougo was not counted among those who arrived could not be called arrogance and indifference.

  “Come over here.“

  Katsushige got up and led Tatsuya and the others to the sofa. In front of the three-seater sofa, there was a woman with dark skin and specific features, presumably 40-45

  years old. And behind her stood a tall and slender beautiful woman with cocoa-colored skin that looked 20–25 years old.

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  The woman, who looked older, Tatsuya knew in person.

  "Dr. Asha Chandrasekhar...?"

  She is the leading figure in her country in the field of magical engineering, and also a professor at Hyderabad University, located in the south of former Central India, and the center for the development of magic in the Indo-Persian Union. She is the developer of the strategic class magic "Agni God Downburst" (Agni Downburst).

  "What is the VIP of the Indo-Persian Union doing here?"

  Without showing his suspicions outwardly, Tatsuya went to Chandrasekhar. Miyuki walked up and stood next to him, and Hyougo behind Miyuki.

  “Professor. This is Shiba Tatsuya, and next to him is Shiba Miyuki.“

  First, Katsushige introduced Tatsuya and Miyuki to Dr. Chandrasekhar. And without any pause, looking at Tatsuya and Miyuki, he continued:

  “Tatsuya-kun, Miyuki-san. This is a professor at Hyderabad University of the Indo-Persian Union, Asha Chandrasekhar.”

  “I am honored to meet with you. My name is Shiba Tatsuya. I've already heard your famous name.”

  “I am also glad to see you. My name is Asha Chandrasekhar.”

  Chandrasekhar held out her hand. Tatsuya squeezed it carefully.

  “My name is Shiba Miyuki. Nice to meet you.“

  “I am pleased to meet you too. With such a beautiful heiress herself to the famous Yotsuba family.“

  After ascertaining that Miyuki and Chandrasekhar also shook hands, Katsushige invited the three to sit down.

  The woman standing behind Chandrasekhar did not budge. Even without explanation, it was clear that she was the guard of Chandrasekhar.

  With one quick glance at her, Tatsuya could not determine who she was. But, Chandrasekhar he
rself revealed her identity.

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  Interrupting her sitting halfway, Chandrasekhar turned back. But Tatsuya and Miyuki did not sit down, politely waiting for the elders to sit down first.

  “Her name is...“

  Having said this, she returned her gaze to Tatsuya.

  “Arya Krishna Shastri. She is my bodyguard and an unannounced strategic class magician. Just recently she learned "Agni Downburst" in March of this year.

  Miyuki widened her eyes and held her breath.

  “My name is Shiba Tatsuya.“

  Without raising an eyebrow, Tatsuya introduced himself to Arya and bowed slightly.

  Arya silently bowed to Tatsuya with the same light bow.

  Grinning, Chandrasekhar sat on the sofa.

  Following her, Tatsuya and Miyuki sat on the opposite sofa. Katsushige sat on a side chair, and Kotona stood behind him.

  The conversation between Tatsuya and Chandrasekhar began.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Behind Maya stood waiting for Khayam's orders, and there was not a single ally behind Lina. For her, it was as if she alone and without help on the battlefield.

  In addition, her opponent was a sorceress, known under the pseudonyms "Demon Lady of the Far East" and "Queen of the Night." But Lina was also one of the strongest in the world, being a magician of the Strategic class. However, Maya was rumored to be a user of magic that "surpassed the magic of the Strategic Class in a one-on-one battle" and from which "it is impossible to defend oneself." Now Lina already understood that Maya was not her enemy, but in this situation she simply could not help being nervous.

  “Are you already used to living in Japan?” Now you are in a position slightly different from last winter, aren't you?

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  Maya who spoke to her first made a friendly face.

  - Everything is fine. Miyuki and Tatsuya treat me well.

  Encouraging herself with the thoughts “don't be afraid” and “do not be too alert”, Lina answered with a smile on her face.

  “I am very grateful that you undertook to accompany Miyuki-san.”

  - I am also very grateful that you helped me with shelter.

  - I see...

  From somewhere, Hayama took out a cup and a glass of tea, and set them on a low table. A cup is in front of Maya, and a glass of iced tea is in front of Lina.

  - Chilled black tea will suit you?

  - Yes thank you.

  Lina immediately sucked on a straw. Without any secret intent. She just wanted to drink from intense stress.

  In fact, ordinary black tea was not on Lina's list of preferred drinks, but she could calmly drink iced tea prepared by Hayama without milk or syrup. Not because he was not bitter, but because now she did not care. In such conditions, on the contrary, it seemed even tasty.

  And from a tasty drink, the tension subsided a little, and she relaxed.

  Of course, this was Maya's psychological device.

  “I want you to continue to accompany Miyuki-san for as long as possible, but...”

  Hearing the words of Maya, Lina did not sprinkle tea, but, on the contrary, swallowed.

  Fortunately, tea did not enter the respiratory tract, so she did not start coughing.

  However, she needed to catch her breath before she could give an answer.

  “I wonder what Shields-san is going to do in the future?” Will return to America? Or will he stay in Japan?

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  Suddenly, they made such a difficult choice. But despite the fact that for the first time someone had been pushing the question like that, this topic had long bothered her herself.

  “... Last February, Tatsuya said that he would help me if I wanted to leave the Stars.”

  Maya showed surprise by widening her eyes slightly. Partly she was pretending, but partly it was also a real surprise. Before this conversation, she had not heard about it.

  - At that time, I replied that "I do not think I want to leave the Stars." But now...

  “You wanted to leave them?”

  - I dont know. More precisely, I am confused and cannot make a decision.

  As if in order to gather her thoughts, Lina lowered her eyes to her hands lying on her lap.

  “I did not hate the States.” Even now, I still have patriotic feelings towards America. But does my homeland need me...

  Lina remembered the day when she had to escape from the headquarters of the Stars, and her voice trembled.

  - Such issues are not so easily resolved. You don’t have to rush to make a final decision.

  Maya comforted Lina with a (outwardly) kind, love-filled face.

  -...Thank you very much.

  - If in the future Shields-san wants to naturalize in Japan, then I will quickly organize everything. Shields-san, would anyone mind you becoming a foster child in Japan?

  - No... I almost never met my parents since joining the army.

  “And you didn't talk on the phone?”

  - They didn’t communicate either by telephone or letters.

  Lina was also a little unlucky with her family. As if considering her too high magical characteristics as something sinister, her relatives, both close and distant, preferred to stay at a distance from her even before she was taken into the army. And her too Page 41

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  beautiful appearance also became one of the reasons that family ties were only decreasing.

  But despite all this, when she was 10 years old, the army noticed her. Almost immediately after this, the army took her away, and from that moment on, her parents almost did not come to meet with her, which was a rather insensitive behavior for her parents. Although, perhaps, the army and the government had a hand in this without the knowledge of Lina.

  ... For example, for the reason that it was part of a policy of concealing the identity of a magician of the Strategic Class officially recognized by the state.

  - That's it... Sorry to touch on a sore subject.

  Hearing Lina's revelation, Maya suggested how difficult her relationship with her parents was. Therefore, her voice was filled with sympathy.

  - Nothing. On this issue, everything is finally decided. Therefore, no one will oppose my adoption.

  - Okay. As I said, you can contact us about this at any time.

  - Good.

  Lina bowed to Maya, not getting up from the couch.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  “Mr., what do you think of the current situation of magicians?” - Asked Chandrasekhar from Tatsuya.

  In their conversation, such appearances were established: Tatsuya - “Mr.”, Miyuki -

  “Miss”, and Chandrasekhar - “Doctor”.

  - More specifically, I mean the means of control of magicians by the government of each individual country.

  Tatsuya thought for a moment and answered:

  - If you look from the point of view of the government, do not these funds work as they Page 42

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  Precisely "as they should." However, with the reservation that it is "from the point of view of the government."

  Chandrasekhar correctly understood Tatsuya's train of thought.

  - Okay. But the government of any country, even such as the NSU and the VAA, will always consider that control of the magicians is not enough.

  - Probably.

  Tatsuya agreed with the words of Chandrasekhar, nodding slightly.

  “And from the point of view of magicians, this is something completely unacceptable.”


  Tatsuya refrained from commenting this time.

  This did not bother Dr. Chandrasekhar, and she continued to develop her theory.

  - In modern society, the human rights and freedoms of magicians are neglected. Even basic human rights, which must be sacred and inviolable even in a democratic society, are not recognized as magicians. Or they are easily limited and violated. The use of magicians for military purposes is the sphere of their application, which most clearly reflects this situation. For example, in countries where the call for military service as a whole has been canceled, for magicians conscription remains. Compared to non-magicians, magicians are treated with clear discrimination.