Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Read online

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  Tatsuya was surprised to hear the fiery speech of Chandrasekhar.

  After all, she was a scientist who developed not only the "Impulse of God Agni", but also many other magic for military use, which made magicians useful for the government. Chandrasekhar herself is also a magician, but her magical power is so weak that she is unsuitable as a combat unit. That is, she is not one of the magicians used by the government, but, on the contrary, she is a person from that same government that uses magicians. At least before that, everything was just that.

  “On the other hand, citizens who are not magicians insist that magicians are“

  dangerous creatures ”that have the power to kill ordinary people even without Page 43

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  weapons, and therefore their freedom must be further limited.

  “But only a small part of the anti-magicians behave this way, right?” - Involuntarily interrupted her Miyuki. Tatsuya was still silent.

  Chandrasekhar's face faded. Moreover, it seemed that on her face reflected not only despondency, but also suppressed anger.

  - In Germany and France, on the initiative of the government, collars are being developed to neutralize the wearer with electroshock if signs of activation of magic are noticed. At the end of the development, a law is likely to be passed requiring all magicians to wear these collars. Many European countries, with the exception of Britain, will follow this example, and ultimately, this idea will spread throughout the world.

  - Can not be! Is this not treatment like livestock !?

  In a voice that almost turned to a cry, Miyuki was simultaneously angry and trembling.

  - Right. Not even slaves, but cattle. But this idea continues to spread not only among radical anti-magicians, but already among ordinary citizens.

  Chandrasekhar did not even try to console Miyuki.

  “You can't let them do something like that!”

  “Yes, miss, you are absolutely right.” I think exactly the same.... In the past, I tried to provide magicians with a status in society, making them an indispensable fighting force for the state. But now I have changed my mind.

  - Do you have any specific plan? - Asked Tatsuya from Chandrasekhar in a restrained tone.

  “I believe that magicians have already reached the stage where they must independently defend their rights.” And it is necessary to unite no longer within the borders of their countries, but without regard to state borders.

  “Doctor, you're not one of those who consider magicians to be the ultimate race?”

  - No. My opinion was formed solely as a result of the emotional rejection of the doctrine of the anti-magic movement. My intentions are not in enmity with citizens Page 44

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  who are not magicians, but in organizing a moderate movement that protects the rights of magicians in a peaceful coexistence.

  - Coexistence [併存]? Not coexistence [共存]?

  [The difference is in the first character, as you see. In general, the Japanese have a dozen different words for the word "coexistence," and all dictionaries simply write

  "coexistence" without giving any explanation. For the Japanese themselves, apparently, there are differences. I suppose that the first word means approximately “existence together, but contrary to something,” and the second simply means “existence together.”]

  - Fear of civilian magicians has risen to such a level that it already causes mass hysteria among the people. Germany and France are good examples of this. And although I don’t want to say this, it’s the “Scorched Halloween” that happened two years ago that caused the current world situation. That was your Strategic class magic, mister.

  Tatsuya did not deny the words of Chandrasekhar with any phrase, like "it was not me."

  - Very few people can maintain sound judgment, believing that the possibility of falling under a nuclear strike can be caused not by a government decision, but by the whim of just one person. Of course, I am sure that Mr. is not such an unreasonable person.

  However, there are many people who think otherwise. They not only do not want to know the character of Mr., they do not even want to know what he looks like. Not wanting to know either his origin or his name, they are simply afraid of Mr as a magician with catastrophic destructive power and as the personification of death itself and destruction.

  There was no doubt that Chandrasekhar had some undeniable evidence that Tatsuya was a magician of the strategic class. Even if she did not know about the “Explosion of Matter”, but she clearly had some information about the use of magic, superior in power to strategic nuclear weapons. There was no longer any sense in interrupting her and stubbornly denying everything.

  - And in such a situation it is difficult to hope for reasonable decisions. Therefore, you need to temporarily place magicians and non-magicians at a distance from each other.

  “But there are not so many magicians.” magicians themselves will not be able to maintain modern social standards at the required level.

  - magicians, that is, those who are able to use magic at a practical level, only 0.01% of Page 45

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  the adult population. But those who have at least a slight compatibility with magic are 10 times more. If you look at these 0.1% of the world's population in real numbers, you get a very small number. After the Third World population, the world population fell to three billion, but according to estimates for the last year, it has already exceeded five billion. It will be difficult to collect all people suitable for magic, but even if you collect only one hundredth of them, you will get 50,000 people.

  “Even if you succeed in gathering people suitable for magic all over the world, it will be impossible to gather 50,000 people in one place.”

  - An organization with 50,000 members and some economic power will have a voice that can influence the governments of different countries. The plant with Mr. Star's Reactor is capable of serving as such an economic basis.

  Now the purpose of Chandrasekhar was clear. She flew to distant Japan because she wanted to use the Tatsuya Star Reactor plant in the fight for the human rights of magicians and magic-fit people.

  However, Tatsuya did not cause hostility. After all, his ESCAPES project - a project of a plant with a Star Reactor - was aimed precisely at freeing magicians from the fate of being weapons, making them economically important and irreplaceable engineers and manufacturers. In fact, the intentions of Chandrasekhar and Tatsuya coincided.

  - What exactly do you want to do? Transform the International Magic Association into a magician human rights organization?

  Chandrasekhar did not answer in the affirmative to Tatsuya's question, slightly off topic.

  - The International Magic Association has a very stable position as the organization needed as a deterrent against the use of nuclear weapons. To fight for the human rights of magicians, it would be better to establish a new NGO. Also, to designate people with aptitude for magic, in addition to words such as “magician,” “engineer of magic” [magic constructor] and “creator of magic” [magicrafter], you need to enter some broader definition. For example, what about magian * as opposed to the word "civilian"?

  [I didn’t figure out how to translate it. But since the characters speak exactly the English variants of words, then from now on I will also have English to show this "author's style."]

  - Magian... By the way, magic, have you added the suffix "an", which carries the meaning of "man"?

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  - Yes, because the word magician in people is usually associated with the image of some magician-illusionist.

  - Okay. "Magian". I think this is a good name.

  “I also think that sounds beautiful.” But if you take this word into use, then what do we do with the word "magician", which is now in use? It seems to me that people who simply have a suitability for magic and people who can use magic in practice, still need to be distinguished from each other by name.

  Tatsuya and Chandrasekhar pondered the question identified by Miyuki.

  - The Japanese word "magician" [魔法師] is an abbreviation for "capable of magic" [魔



  能師], so I think that you can leave him, but...

  “... What about calling the magic constructor the word magist?” In the sense that it is a magian-technologist.

  - Technologist... Does this mean a person professionally working in a specialty based on knowledge in his field?

  - In this case, it is closer in meaning to the concept of “capable of magic” than to the concept of “person who builds magic” [magic constructor]. For us Japanese magicians, this is an easy-to-learn word.

  All three nodded to each other with smiles. At that moment, about the same image of the future appeared in their minds.

  Chandrasekhar's face became serious, and she corrected her posture.

  “Not today or tomorrow, of course, but within a few years I will be ready to create an international association of magians.” And you, Mr., I would like to ask for cooperation in the establishment of this association.

  “If the situation allows, then I would like to join your association, doctor.”

  “Then at the right time, I will contact you again.”

  Chandrasekhar and Tatsuya held out each other's hands.

  This time, Tatsuya shook her hand a little harder than when meeting.

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  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Even when Chandrasekhar and Arya left the reception room, there was no sign of Lina's appearance, so Tatsuya and Miyuki decided to return to the director’s former office.

  “Ah, Miyuki. Hav
e you finished your conversation?“

  “Lina... What are you doing here?

  On the table in front of Lina, many sweets were lined up. Maya, sitting opposite her, watched what was happening with a smile.

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  “I AM...? Yes, I’m trying delicious things.“

  “Miyuki-san, do you know that there are a lot of different pleasures on this island? But since there is no longer a prison, now we need to improve this area. To begin with, I invited confectioners here.“


  “I believe that the pleasure of eating is important to maintain morale.” Tatsuya replied in a neutral tone instead of Miyuki's speechless voice.

  Nodding agreement on her face, Maya got up from the couch.

  “Miyuki-san, will you try?”

  Maya gestured to Miyuki: "Sit here."

  Miyuki looked at Tatsuya, bewildered.

  Seeing that he nodded slightly, Miyuki went to the place where Maya was sitting.

  At the same time, Maya sat in a luxurious leather chair, standing at a table in the back of the room.

  Leaning back and relaxing, Maya looked at Tatsuya.

  As if answering this look, Tatsuya stood in front of the table.

  “How was the conversation with Dr. Chandrasekhar?“

  “It was pretty interesting. Oba-ue, do you know what we were talking about?“

  “Of course, she previously told me.“

  In other words, Maya has already agreed that Tatsuya will collaborate with Chandrasekhar's plan.

  Now it was possible to get a clearer promise from Maya to take on any obligations. But Tatsuya did not dare to ask for it. Because he did not want to pre-bind himself in the future with any activity entrusted in the form of orders.


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  He answered only that.

  Maya nodded generously and ordered Hayama to arrange a chair.

  Tatsuya himself refrained from finding a place to sit, but he did not need to go anywhere to do this. The office chair on wheels rolled itself to a place in front of the table. It was not as luxurious as that of Maya, but it also looked solid and had leather-covered armrests and a high back.

  At the direction of Maya, Tatsuya sat on this chair when it stopped.

  “Tatsuya-san, about what happened the day before yesterday. It seems like you defeated Fujibayashi Nagamasa with some new magic?”

  Like waiting for Tatsuya to sit comfortably, Maya asked this with interest on her face.

  “Yes, I used a new magic to break through Fujibayashi Nagamasa's magic.”

  “I wonder what kind of magic it was?”

  This minor correction of Tatsuya did not seem to bother Maya. All her attention was directed to the new magic of Tatsuya.

  “In order for the pushion informational body to exist in this world and influence the phenomena in this world, it needs a psionic informational body, which will be an access point for it, a kind of conductor. It is like a support for existence in this world, or, to paraphrase it, it can be called a foundation supporting existence.”

  Tatsuya felt the gaze directed at him, not only from the front, but also from behind, and from different sides. In addition to Maya, everyone was attentively listening to Tatsuya's story: Miyuki, Lina, and even Hayama and Hyougo.

  “And Tatsuya-san confirmed this theory?”

  “Only indirectly, based on observations. But based on these observations, "Astral Dispersion" gave the expected effect, so we can make an unambiguous conclusion that these conclusions are not erroneous.“

  “And this new magic is called Astral Dispersion...? Please continue.”

  “When the phenomenon changes, information remains about this. Even reason is no Page 52

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  exception to this rule. Even when the phenomenon was caused by reason, if it had an impact on this world, then there will be a record about this in the informational dimension.“

  “... Do you mean that pure thoughts and emotions do not directly affect this world, therefore they leave no traces in the informational dimension, and the projections of spiritual bodies and interference in the minds of other people are recorded?”

  “At least, the phenomena that can be reproduced by external systemic magic are accurately recorded in this “story”.“

  “... Go on.“

  “By reading the Eidos, the psionic informational body containing records of phenomena, we magicians recognize the very essence of these phenomena. At the time of using magic, this, although with some differences, is done by all magicians, even those who do not have an ESP like "Eye of Spirits" such as mine.“

  “I see... When these “some differences” become absurdly large, then this is reflected in the result. But if we talk only about recognizing the essence of the phenomenon from the Eidos, then Tatsuya-san is right.“

  Tatsuya bowed slightly and continued to explain.

  “The East Asian continental ancient magic “Sekihei Hatidzin” turned out to be magic, for which the corpses are processed into magical containers containing the Psionic information bodies known as “ghosts”. Using the power of interference in the phenomenon that these "ghosts" possess, Kimon Tonko is supported at fixed points.“

  “The power of interfering with the phenomenon... in ghosts?“

  “The true form of the force of interference in the phenomenon is pushion waves. I discovered this during a battle with a hostile astral body over at Mount Takao. A

  “ghost” is, in fact, a pushion informational body, therefore it is possible to extract from it the force of interference in a phenomenon, gradually cutting pieces from it and using them as fuel.“

  Lina also listened, so Tatsuya only said "a hostile astral body," without giving the name Arcturus.

  “This is very interesting.“

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  Maya was only interested in Tatsuya’s new discovery, and showed no interest in the enemy’s personality.

  “It seems that Tatsuya-san has made many important discoveries related to magic and reason over the past few days.”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  In response to Maya’s praise, Tatsuya made an even more courteous bow than the last time.

  “Fujibayashi Nagamasa released these "ghosts" from their containers, and used them as a means of attack against me. After searching on the basis of information about the modification of the phenomenon caused by the external systemic magic used by him for this purpose, I discovered a psionic informational body that serves as a supporting basis for “ghosts”. After reading its structure, and expanding it, I made the existence of these "ghosts" (pushion information bodies) impossible in our world. This is Astral Dispersion.“

  “That is... it's magic that separates spiritual bodies from our world?”


  “So this magic doesn't destroy the spiritual body itself, but destroys the “foundation”

  through which the spiritual body exists in our world and intervenes in it?”

  “That's correct.”

  “Madam. “Impossible to exist in our world” from the point of view of our world is like death.“

  At that moment, Hayama intervened in the conversation.

  “If spiritual bodies separated from our world could come back, then our world would be filled with ghosts. I suppose Tatsuya-sama’s new magic can be called magic that kills spiritual bodies.“

  “Kills ghosts. This is something revolutionary... Tatsuya-san. I don’t want to rush too much, but could you describe the new magic in a detailed report? Your discovery and invention will be an important asset of the Yotsuba family.”

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  The Yotsuba family is not only a clan of combat magicians, but also a clan of magic researchers. Seek and explore the possibilities of magic. And as a result, answer the question "what is the mind/soul?". That was the purpose of this clan, which the other Master Clans did not know about.

  “As you command.”

  Tatsuya had a different goal, but he was also a researcher of magic. He did not mind leaving his magic in a document for magic research.