Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Read online

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  11 a.m. The plane with Kazama, his subordinates, and also the soon to be freed Australian magicians landed on Iwo Island at the appointed time.

  The other side to which the captives will be issued has already arrived.

  “Is the ship not Australian? Is that... Royal Navy aircraft carrier, Gibraltar?”

  With suspicion Kazama muttered to himself.

  “There can be no mistake, this is Gibraltar from the British Navy.“

  Kazama's question was answered in almost a whisper by the foreman Tateoka, who was appointed temporary assistant to Kazama instead of senior lieutenant Fujibayashi, who had left today for the funeral of Kudou Retsu.

  Britain was currently considered a allied country for Japan. The call of the Royal Navy vessel to the Japanese port was not a problem in itself.

  “Contact headquarters. Ask if the Royal Navy is the other side to which the captives must be released.“

  If they are the ones who need to surrender magicians captured as saboteurs, then this is another conversation. The escorted agents are Australians by nationality. Kazama did not hear that Britain would come to pick them up.

  The answer from the headquarters of the 1-0-1 brigade came quickly.

  “The answer is from the brigade headquarters. They say there is no mistake, pass them Page 55

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  “Australia asked Britain to mediate the extradition...?“

  This time, Kazama really spoke to himself. He was so bewildered that he unconsciously said his thoughts aloud.

  Although the number of countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations has significantly decreased, but formally it still existed. Australia remained a member of the Commonwealth, and was in close allied relations with Britain. According to one popular theory, Australian army units are trained and formed with the help of secret knowledge obtained from Britain.

  But even if this is true, then the arrival of the British Navy in order to pick up the agents of the Australian army, can not be considered an ordinary event. Despite membership in the Commonwealth and allied relations, Australia is an independent state. And Australia itself is much closer to Japan than Britain. Kazama could not think of a single reason why Australia would ask Britain to take the captured agents.

  "Or does Australia have no part in this at all, and is... the business of Britain itself?"

  He had a vague feeling that what he really had to give was the letter entrusted to him, not the captured agents. Kazama thought about this, remembering the envelope in his inner pocket.

  Kazama’s confusion intensified at the time when he came face to face with the representative of the British side who arrived to pick up the prisoners. There was no room for misunderstanding in Saeki’s order. Give her letter to the representative of the host captive. Nevertheless, the doubt didn’t disappear from his head as to whether or not to give this person a letter, in which, probably, some important military information was written.

  The British representative turned out to be William McLeod, officially recognized as their country's Strategic class magician.

  "What is one of the Thirteen Apostles doing here...?"

  Not only Kazama, but anyone in his place would now think exactly the same. However, this was not a completely impossible development of events. Jasmine Williams, one of Page 56

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  the released prisoners, was a user of the Ozone Circle, although in terms of scale her magic did not reach the Strategic class. And the one who developed this magic was none other than William McLeod.

  Also, through interrogation, it was found that Jasmine is the so-called "improved magician", that is, her genetic code was modified. It is highly likely that Britain provided the improvement technology. Australia's science and engineering industries were not backward, but since the Third World War, a policy of actual isolation was chosen as a protective measure, which caused stagnation of the development of magic-related technologies that can be used for military purposes.

  Therefore, even before coming here there were already speculations that there might be some kind of connection between William McLeod and Jasmine Williams. However, it was hard to believe that such an important person as one of the “Thirteen Apostles”

  would appear at the military base of another country with such minimal escort.

  Yes, McLeod arrived, accompanied by an entire aircraft carrier. More precisely, he arrived on an aircraft carrier. But based on the name "aircraft carrier", it is only a mobile air base with airplanes. An aircraft carrier moored in the port does not possess any military strength. The ship itself has no means of attack, and airborne fighters will be shot down before takeoff.

  McLeod himself, as a magician of the Strategic class, although it has tremendous combat power, but his magic is the Ozone Circle. It turns oxygen in the specified area into ozone gas. If he uses the Ozone Circle in the current situation, this will affect his allies too.

  Is there really something so valuable in Saeki’s letter that Britain is prepared to take the risk of “losing the Strategic Class magician” if something happens...? Struggling to break the seal and look at the letter, Kazama first handed over the captives to McLeod, after which he handed him the envelope entrusted to him by Saeki.

  McLeod immediately, on the spot, without much enthusiasm opened the letter (he didn’t tear it off, but cut off the seal with a paper knife taken from his assistant), and while standing, he read the message written to him.

  “Okay.” - said McLeod and handed the envelope and letter to Kazama.

  “... Are you sure I can read this?”

  “Yes. In order for us to have no misunderstanding.“

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  Kazama ordered his subordinates to move away. In response, McLeod ordered his guard and assistant to leave the premises altogether. Surprised by such a reaction, Kazama also ordered his subordinates to leave the room. When they stayed in the room only together, Kazama invited McLeod to sit on the sofa, after which he also sat down and unfolded the folded letter.

  The English text, written by Saeki's familiar handwriting, was not so long.

  McLeod spoke after Kazama finished reading and looked up.

  “Sending the NSU fleet south across the Sea of Japan was an unexpected military decision for me.“

  His first phrase at first glance seemed unrelated to the contents of the letter.

  “I collaborated with the Dion Project to prevent the possibility of a Matter to Energy Explosion targeting the United Kingdom. I don’t need anything else. I was not going to take away the freedom and future of promising young people.“

  From the context it was clear that by “promising youth,” McLeod means Tatsuya.

  “I also evaluate his project of the Star Reactor plant as extremely significant. Attempts to prevent him may result in significant missed opportunities for a civilized society.

  Moreover, for us magicians, this can lead to negative consequences.“

  From such an unexpectedly high assessment of McLeod, Kazama could not find the right words even to maintain a conversation.

  “Assessment of the Star Reactor plant is nothing more than my personal impressions.

  However, regarding the dispatch of the NSU fleet south, I have the opposite opinion.

  Yes, I had a secret connection with Dr. Bezobrazov through the Dion Project, but a military invasion of Japan is unacceptable, even if it was only a simulation.“

  “... Do you speak on behalf of the United Kingdom?“

  “Yes. And from the Kingdom, and from the Commonwealth too.“

  In response to a question from Kazama, McLeod openly admitted that the royal family’s intentions were behind his actions.

  “As I said earlier, if we get guarantees that the Explosion of Matter will not be sent to Page 58

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  the United Kingdom, then we will have no reason for enmity.“

  Kazama remembered the sentence written in the letter he had just read.

  Saeki invited McLeod to work together to implement the "Strategic Class magician Control Agreement."

  According to her draft of such an agreement, the revealed magicians of the Strategic class must be registered with the International Magic Association, and their country must take responsibility for controlling them.

  By control obligations here is meant taking responsibility for their actions. However, they will not take responsibility for the consequences caused by the used magic of the Strategic class (especially the Explosion of Matter). If so, it will keep the magicians of the Strategic class in such a position that they will not be able to freely use magic.

  Even if this agreement is concluded and enters into force in the form that Saeki intended, then for those magicians who have political power and privileges, or are representatives of the government or the leader of their country (such as McLeod, Bezobrazov, the magicians of the Strategic class of the USNA Eliot Miller and Roland Bart, Leonid Kondratenko from the NSU) - nothing will change for them. But for magicians like Carla Schmidt, who are far from politics, a catastrophic restriction of freedom is inevitable.

  "... No, everything is Okay. The true goal is Tatsuya."

  Kazama quickly realized that the goal of his boss was to take Tatsuya from the Yotsuba family and make him her subordinate. Anyone in his place would also have come to that conclusion.

  "Her Excellency will not be satisfied with the separation of Tatsuya from the Yotsuba family. She is going to take all freedom from Tatsuya."

  Saeki is a scorched military man. For her, national interests are always in the first place.

  "This magic is too str
ong to respect personal rights."

  If we take as a basis only the logic of the military, then Kazama thought the same way.

  He had to admit this and that bitter feeling of hostility that came from the depths of his heart. He had this acute hostility towards himself, who had allowed such a train of thought.

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  “It will take some time, but I will do my best to have a conference to discuss the draft agreement.”

  In the letter, Saeki asked McLeod to engage his personal as well as British international influence.

  “Pass it on to Her Excellency Saeki.”

  “I understand you.“

  Kazama in his position could only bow in gratitude to the promised McLeod to cooperate.

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  1:55 p.m. Five minutes later, the funeral ceremony of the elder of the magical world of Japan, Kudou Retsu, will begin in the large ceremonial hall of the city of Nara. The preparation was already completed, and all members of the family of the deceased were already seated in their places. Guest places were already almost all occupied.

  A noise was heard from the entrance to the hall. The participants thought that the monk had arrived earlier than scheduled, and turned around... and so froze in that position.

  Three people entered the room. They came literally in the last minutes, but the uproar was not accusatory voices. It was only senseless sighs of admiration that rang out from different angles.

  These were two women and one man. Both women were incomparable beauties. That lady, who was older, looked a maximum of 30 years. Those who immediately recognized her also knew her real age, and knew that she looked 15 years younger than her age.

  She shone with her charm and splendor.

  The younger one was in her late teens and looked exactly her age. Although she could be called a girl by age, the attractiveness of an adult woman has already begun to manifest in her. Surrounding people tried to find words in their thoughts to describe its beauty. But could not find anything suitable. Elegance, grace, neatness, purity, splendor, extraterrestrial charm. None of them have come to terms with themselves. As a result, they were able to express their thoughts about her only as "she is beautiful."

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  Behind these two was a young man... or even a teenager. Compared to these women and girls, he looked completely ordinary. At least in it there was no "highlight" that would attract attention. Nevertheless, his existence was not lost against the background of the charm of a woman and the beauty of a girl. And the people around did not see anything unnatural in this.

  These three sat down in their seats. Thus, the spell that riveted the eyes of those around them was dispelled. Sighs turned into whispers.

  -... Who is this beautiful girl? Is she really a living person...?

  “... Don't you know?” This is Shiba Miyuki-jo from the First School of Magic.

  -... And the guy with her is Shiba Tatsuya. There can be no mistake.

  -... The same Taurus Silver?

  -... Yeah. So that lady with them is the mistress of the Yotsuba family...?

  - What about?... And the truth. This is Yotsuba Maya-dono in person.

  “So that she appears in such a crowded place... How many years ago was this the last time?”

  Gossip continued until the host announced the entry of the monk responsible for the ceremony.

  Four hours later, the monk left and the host announced the closing ceremony. There were a great many visitors who came to burn incense alone. Two weeks have passed since the death, so the funeral ceremony was different from the usual. The coffin was taken out in the presence of only the closest relatives, and the organization of the commemoration after the ceremony was undertaken by the family of Makoto's wife, whose surname is Fujibayashi *. Incidentally, the Kyouko family with the surname Fujibayashi and the family of Makoto's wife with the surname Fujibayashi * are very distant relatives. They have no direct relatives, even if tracked by the family tree at least until the last century.

  [In fact, these two surnames are pronounced the same, but are spelled differently. For the Kyouko family, “fuji” is a word meaning a wisteria flower, and for Makoto’s wife, Page 61

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  “fuji” is written in the same way as for Mount Fuji. I’ll write a “new” surname with an asterisk to distinguish it from the usual one.]

  However, as could be seen at today's funeral, the Fujibayashi * family clearly shied away from the Fujibayashi family. When the Fujibayashi family offered any help, they politely refused. Perhaps the circumstances surrounding the birth of Minoru (Minoru's genetic mother is the younger sister of Makoto, who married a person from the Fujibayashi family), which cannot be disclosed, influenced the relationship between the two families.

  If the events of the day before had not happened, then they might have helped today at least at the front desk.

  But in the end, the Fujibayashi family had no responsibilities at this event. Fujibayashi Nagamasa, the head of the Fujibayashi family, helped escape to Minoru, the Kudou Retsu killer. Therefore, today everyone tried to completely avoid contact with representatives of this family.

  Senior Lieutenant Fujibayashi Kyouko stood in full prostration in the corner of the hall used for the funeral dinner.

  She had no errands.

  She could not occupy herself with anything.

  The heart was hurt harder than expected.

  She felt the same pain yesterday, when she could not apologize.

  ... So Kyouko thought.

  -... And yet, it's good that we managed.

  - Really. I was also a little worried.

  - Actually, I did not plan to talk for so long. But Tatsuya-san's story was very interesting.

  -... Guilty.

  Perhaps the reason for this was her psychological state.

  - Sorry!

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  Kyouko unwittingly intervened in the conversation between the aunt, nephew, and niece.

  - Ara? This is the daughter of the Fujibayashi family, isn't she?

  Yotsuba Maya responded with a smile to such an unbridled call * Kyouko.

  [In the original there is Japanese "ano-oo-o" - the sound that the Japanese make to attract someone's attention. I know that some translators leave it that way, but I already have many untranslatable Japanese exclamations, for example, all sorts of "ara"

  or "uh-uh".]

  - Yes, my name is Fujibayashi Kyouko. Thank you so much for your grandfather.

  - I studied with Sensei. I would come to say goodbye, even if it was on the other side of the globe.

  - Grandpa would be glad to hear that.

  After Kyouko answered with a standard phrase, she finally overcame her indecision and asked Maya:

  “... Can I take a little of your time?”

  - Good.

  Kyouko made a slightly surprised face because she did not expect Maya to agree so easily.

  - Let's change the situation. You also don’t like excessive attention?


  There were also various people who were somehow connected with the army and the Magic Association. Also, in addition to the head of the Yotsuba family, the heads of the Ichijou, Futatsugi and Saegusa families also came here. Other Master Clans also sent their representatives on behalf of the heads of families. From the Eighteen Replacement Families, there were either heads of families or their representatives here. Both Kyouko and Maya did not want other people to hear their conversation.

  - Hayama-san.

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  - Yes Milady. - Hayama replied with a respectful tone, who suddenly appeared behind Maya.

  Excitement appeared on Kyouko's face. She could not understand when and where Hayama came from.

  - I would like to calmly and without haste talk with this young lady. Can you tell me where we could retire with her?

  - I will call a car. Please follow me.

  - Good. Fujibayashi-san, it will suit you.

  -... Yes, I do not mind.

  Kyouko showed a hesitation for a moment, but she didn’t really want to stay here.

  Therefore, in the end, she agreed with Maya's proposal.

  “Tatsuya-san and Miyuki-san, you can return to Tokyo.”