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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Page 7

  “As you order.” - Maya Tatsuya answered.

  Her word “may” sounded like just permission, but it was actually an order. Maya did not want Tatsuya and Miyuki to attend her conversation with Kyouko. Brother and sister understood this perfectly.

  “Tatsuya-sama, Miyuki-sama.”

  Hyougo now turned to Tatsuya and Miyuki, and Tatsuya appeared behind him from nowhere.

  - Preparation for take-off is completed.

  Holding on to Miyakim, they eventually got on two different vertical take-off planes and rushed to the funeral ceremony. One of these aircraft was the one on which Hyougo originally took them from the building in Töfu. That is, Maya had her own plane to return home, so Tatsuya and Miyuki did not need to wait modestly for her.

  - I get it. - answered Tatsuya. - Haha-ue. In that case, goodbye.

  Realizing that they were heard from all sides, he said goodbye to Maya with the "right"


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  - Both-bye, bye.

  - Yes, take care of yourself.

  After Maya said these two left.

  Hayama’s words about calling a car did not have the standard meaning “rent a car” for this idiom. His words meant that "a personal car will be served." Maya's visit to Kudou Retsu’s funeral has been planned for a long time. It was a routine for the Yotsuba family to prepare a suitable vehicle in advance in case the head of the family needed to move somewhere.

  Hayama sat in the front passenger seat, after which the driver, who was also a security guard, pulled the control lever. Behind them was followed by a car with four additional guards.

  Instead of preparing a separate room, Hayama brought them to a small restaurant that Kyouko liked to visit. Without any particular wariness, Maya sat down at the table.

  Hayama stood behind Maya, and four guards stood in the corners of the room. Kyouko could not hide her tension from such a picture.

  Nevertheless, while standing, she also could not conduct a conversation, and given that it was she who asked for this conversation, it was impolite to continue to stand, suspecting a catch. Kyouko was very nervous about the fact that she would have to turn her back on the fighters of the Yotsuba family, but still sat down at a table in a place opposite Maya.

  After which she held her breath and bowed low to Maya.

  - First, I would like to apologize. The day before yesterday, my father did something completely unforgivable.

  Kyouko froze in that position.

  “You mean that Fujibayashi Nagamasa-dono helped Kudou Minoru escape?”

  “I'm talking about my father helping kidnap Sakurai Minami-san.” - Without raising her head, Kyouko answered Maya's question.

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  - If you are talking about this, then you do not need to apologize. Nagamasa-dono probably had his own reasons for doing so. But as a result, your father was seriously injured and was hospitalized. Therefore, I believe that he has already received a sufficient amount of punishment.

  - But...

  But shouldn't a loser suffer? Shouldn't the criminal take the blame? Kyouko wanted to say that, but...

  “Besides, our Minami was eventually taken away through no fault of your father.”

  - Uh?

  Because of this unexpected statement by Maya, Kyouko completely forgot the words prepared for the answer, after which she unconsciously raised her head.

  Maya's face frowned in frustration.

  Kyouko did not expect the head of the Yotsuba family to make such a face, so she completely forgot about the apology, and involuntarily asked:

  - What do you...?

  Maya did not answer Kyouko's unsaid question.

  “Although your father was unable to prevent Tatsuya, the day before yesterday's chase ended in failure.” Therefore, you no longer need to torment yourself with guilt.

  Maya regained her smile in the blink of an eye and reassured Kyouko in a friendly tone.

  The intervention of Yakumo was not noticed by either the army or the police. Neither sensor networks stretched across the streets, nor reconnaissance satellites, nor surveillance devices installed on the stratospheric platform recorded the battle between Yakumo and Tatsuya.

  The skills of Yakumo, hiding not only himself, but also the enemy with whom he fought, were far beyond Kyouko's imagination. Therefore, she did not even suspect that there were some other obstacles besides her father.

  Therefore, Kyouko did not understand the meaning of Maya's words. But when the Page 66

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  injured party in the form of Maya says that “you are not to blame”, it will be strange if Kyouko continues to insist that “it is my father’s fault”.

  -...Thanks for work.

  So Kyouko took Maya's words.

  Finished with an apology, Kyouko did not want to detain Maya anymore. Having gulped down the chilled black tea remaining in the cup, she tried to get up from her seat. Of course, she did not forget to pay the bill.

  But before she could say goodbye, Maya called the waiter and ordered some more tea and snacks.

  - Fujibayashi Kyouko-san.

  Kyouko could not get up when her name was called in a completely different tone than before.

  - Yes?

  The force seemed to leave her legs, and she again sat on a chair.

  - I think such a valuable shot is worthy of a better application than now. - Maya said in a low voice, sitting in a completely relaxed and laid-back pose.

  From the voice of Maya, Kyouko realized that she was talking about her.

  - What are you speaking about?

  But out loud she asked about the meaning of her words.

  - Fujibayashi-san. Do not want to leave the army and move to us?

  Instead of answering a question, Maya answered with an invitation.

  “... You mean... should I become Yotsuba's magician?”

  Kyouko answered in a too formal tone.

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  - No, this is not coercion. We have no desire to quarrel with the forces of self-defense.

  Maya smiled.

  This smile was so charming that Kyouko involuntarily fell under her influence.

  - Speaking about leaving the army, I do not mean that I demand that you leave there with a scandal. I say that if you yourself want to peacefully resign, we will gladly accept you as an employee in one of our companies, for example, in FLT.

  Maya's suggestion was much smarter than what Kyouko first thought.

  Her tension eased slightly.

  And in this relaxed mind, as if through the opening of a gap, Maya's voice crept in.

  “Changing the profession to a civilian magician is neither treason, nor a betrayal of the government.” In a suitable environment that allows you to fully reveal your potential, you, on the contrary, will be able to contribute to the development of society, using your abilities to the fullest.

  - I... have not yet revealed my full potential?

  - I believe that the magic and mind of Fujibayashi-san are able to cover a wider scope.

  Here... for example, have you ever thought about why you can interfere with magic in electronic information networks?

  “... Electrical signals and electron flows are also physical phenomena, so it’s not strange that they can be affected by the magic of the release system, right?”

  - Are you talking about exposure to electromagnetic waves or to electric current and voltage? But how can magic recognize the simple motion of electrons as meaningful information?

  - It...

  “Are you translating electron movements into machine language right in your head, and machine language into human?” And all this right during the use of magic?

  -... That would be hard to do.

  “But you can use magic to influence electronic information networks.” You can search Page 68

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  for the necessary information with a speed and accuracy higher than that of the well-known Echelon III system. And you do this by using not the power of supercomputers for hacking, but only magic and a regular home information terminal. How do you do this?

  Fujibayashi could not answer Maya's question. It was natural for her that she could manage electronic information networks as she wished, but she never wondered why and how she could do something like that.

  - Therefore, I believe that you underestimate yourself. You have a talent that can expand the capabilities of the whole world of magic, and you use your abilities only to collect and operate military information.

  Maya's words shocked Kyouko greatly. Initially, she planned to become a researcher of magic. She became a military only because of the death of her fiancé. Kyouko, a former military groom, died in Okinawa - at his very first place of service, where he was appointed immediately after joining the army. Kyouko decided to go to military service just after that.

  Now even she herself does not know what kind of mental state prompted her to do this.

  But after the words of Maya Kyouko noticed.

  That she lacks motivation to continue in military service.

  “I can ensure that in the future you freely use magic.”


  “Of course, I do not demand an immediate response.”

  “... Please let me think a little.”

  - Sure. Please take your time. Fujibayashi-san, some more tea?

  - No. Sorry, it's too late. I think I will go.

  - Here is how? In this case, I will wait for a positive response.

  Until the very end of the conversation, Kyouko did not say a single word that could be Page 69

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  mistaken for refusing to invite Maya.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Soon after Kyouko left, Maya also left the restaurant. After all, she came there only for a conversation with Kyouko. And since the interlocutor left, there is nothing more to do there. Maya and her escort team got into two cars and drove to the airfield, where their vertical takeoff plane was parked.

  - Madam. As far as I know, you had no plans for recruiting Fujibayashi-sama. - Asked Hayama from Maya shortly after the car started. His words were not just a question, but more like a rebuke for an unplanned act.

  - But you turned up such a convenient moment.

  Maya realized that this was a rebuke, but she was not at all embarrassed.

  “With all due respect, but were you serious with your invitation?” - Asked Hayama, slightly surprised.

  “Of course, I was serious.”

  Hayama sat in front and looked forward, so he could not see that the face of the responding Maya was completely serious. However, in her voice, Hayama still caught some bad intentions.

  - It is dangerous to give the enemy the ability to collect and process information from Senior Lieutenant Fujibayashi. Especially recently, when Her Excellency Saeki began various activities.

  - Based on a recent conversation, do you expect her to become a researcher of

  "information networks"?

  - Yes, I hope so too. Everything on earth has its own Eidos, and it is located on a platform called the Idea... If you shed light on the principles of the information network connecting the various Eidos within the Idea, this can become an important key to understanding the very essence of magic.

  - Totally agree with you.

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  - This is a rather complicated topic. If you take it seriously, you won’t have time for anything else, right?

  - And this is an exclusively secondary goal?

  - Right.

  Not only Hayama, but anyone would have guessed that the main and secondary goals were mixed up in Maya's story. Yes, and Maya herself should have understood this.

  Therefore, Hayama did not question further. If the mistress is lying deliberately, and if it is beneficial, then the servant should not intervene.

  Chapter 3

  Today: July 15, 06:00.

  The coral ship with Minoru and Minami arrived at the USNA base at Pearl and Hermes Atoll on board.

  “It's Pabled. Why can't we get off the ship? What does all this mean?“

  Minoru addressed Raymond in an apparently accusatory tone.

  “Don't blame me. We can't go ashore either. They just said, "Until you get out of the ship. Supplies are being replenished." And that's it. The reasons were not explained.“

  The voice of Raymond responding was kind of frail. It seems that this situation was also unexpected for him.

  “What does Lieutenant Spica say?“

  First Lieutenant Zoe Spica is a parasite. Minoru could mentally communicate with fellow parasites at any time, simply opening a "communication channel". So there was no need to ask Raymond standing before him.

  “The lieutenant doesn't know either. She's confused, or rather annoyed.“

  Raymond did not point this out to him, but simply answered. Both Raymond and Page 71

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  Minoru seemed to be much more alarmed than could be seen in their faces and behavior.

  “The lieutenant requested negotiations with the headquarters of the Stars. According to Lieutenant Spica, if everything goes well, then the situation should improve within a couple of days, a maximum of a week.“

  “Weeks? It's quite a long time... Well, okay. Raymond, did you come to tell me about this so that I don’t start to rage?“

  “I don't think Minoru will do something so stupid. But this is just my opinion. Most of the local soldiers know nothing about you at all...“

  “Okay. I will be careful that my behavior is not misunderstood.“

  “Yeah... I'm sorry that it turned out so uncomfortable.“

  Raymond stepped out and closed the door outside.

  With a small gesture, Minoru locked the locked door. There was no gesture recognition system. The handle of the castle was shifted by the simplest magic of movement.

  In the cabin, in addition to Minoru, there was also Minami. She did not say a word, but she also heard what Raymond said.

  “Sorry. That's how it all turned out.“

  Minoru bowed and apologized to Minami, who had a clearly worried face.


  Minoru raised his head and saw Minami wave her head slightly.

  “After all, this was not the fault of Minoru-sama.” Minami said with a restrained smile.

  If she added anything else, Minoru would have taken it as criticism. Therefore, Minami said nothing more.

  Minoru understood the significance of this smile by Minami and bit his lip in frustration.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

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  Tuesday, July 16, in the morning at the dinner table at the Shiba family’s house.

  “The ship with Minami arrived at the base at Pearl & Hermes Atoll.” - Tatsuya informed Miyuki and Lina while listening to the news on TV.

  “I see... ” Miyuki answered in a low voice. Time and place coincided with the expected, so there was nothing to be surprised at.

  “And what will you do now?”

  But Lina seemed to be far from calm. Still, she was worried about Canopus, a prisoner in Midway Prison.

  Lina's tone of voice was as if she wanted to rush Tatsuya. In some other case, Miyuki would likely blame Lina. But Miyuki knew why Lina was so depressed, so she only said

  “Lina...” in a low, reproaching voice.

  Lina realized that her behavior was close to unacceptable.

  “... I'm sorry.“ - She immediately apologized to Tatsuya.

  “Don't worry about that.” - Tatsuya answered Lina's apology. Then he also answered her question: “At the moment, I expect Oba-ue to get in touch about a vehicle that can deliver to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands.“

  “That's it...“

  “My promise to go to the rescue has not changed. The same goes for Lina's request.“

  Lina embarrassed turned away.

  “... Thanks.“ She said in a very quiet voice.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  The next day, July 17, during the lunch break.

  During the afternoon chatter in the dining room, Miyuki suddenly became distracted and with an intrigued face pulled out a mobile terminal from her inner pocket.

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  In the first half of the century, in the so-called era of the heyday of mobile messenger applications, schoolchildren could not live without constant text communication. But now the picture of schoolchildren constantly chatting anywhere and anytime is a thing of the past. That is why the likelihood that the message arrived was meaningless and useless was very low.


  However, there are even fewer messages that cause you to freeze from surprise.

  Suspiciously, Izumi turned to Miyuki, staring at the terminal screen.

  Miyuki looked away from the terminal, looked at Izumi, and without any problems regained her natural expression.

  “I apologize. Nothing happened.“

  “... Listen, have you already decided on your summer vacation plans?”

  Sitting with them for Eric's company, she suddenly changed the subject.

  Her energetic cheerful voice seemed to have ordered all friends and kohai "not to get into this business."

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Miyuki and Lina also left home early today. This has continued unchanged from last Thursday. The school also insisted that they leave school as early as possible. But specifically today, their early departure was not associated with the fact that "they should not stay late," but rather with the fact that they "should not be late."

  The message Miyuki received today at the lunch break read "be sure to return home today at 6:00 p.m." And they sent him from the main house of the Yotsuba family. The message also contained: an order to arrive at a joint dinner at a hotel in downtown Tokyo, a warning to be ready for departure at 18:30, an order to take Lina with him, and a notification that Tatsuya had already been contacted.

  “Welcome back.“

  Tatsuya, who met them at home, was still in his everyday clothes. Miyuki saw nothing strange in this. It is in women changing clothes usually takes a lot of time. Miyuki and Page 74