Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Read online

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  Tatsuya were no exception to this "rule."

  There was still an hour left before the scheduled meeting time.

  “I'll go get ready.” Miyuki told Tatsuya who met them at the entrance. “Lina, you hurry too.”

  “Hey, wait a minute! I don’t have a dress and all that!“

  “No problem, I'll lend you one of mine. Our size is about the same.“

  More precisely, Lina was 1 centimeter higher, and Miyuki had a slightly larger chest circumference. But these differences were easily leveled by heels and loose sleaves.

  “Oh, that's right! I understand!“

  Lina was more concerned about the design problem, not the size, but she realized that it was no use trying to resist.

  She humbly followed Miyuki.

  Miyuki and Lina helped each other change and left Miyuki’s room at 18:25.

  “Both of you are very fit.”

  Dressed in a regular, not too strict black suit, Tatsuya gave a compliment to two girls.

  “Thank you very much. Among my dresses there are not so many that suit Lina's

  “color”... Or did I go a little too far with openness?“

  Blushing a little, Miyuki gracefully swirled in place.

  “No, nothing like that. I think it was a good choice, suitable for both black-haired Miyuki and blonde Lina.“

  Miyuki and Lina chose short black dresses.

  True, they were a little different in design. The hem of Lina's dress was a little shorter, but Miyuki had a slightly deeper neckline.

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  But against the background of the beauty of these two, these differences were not noticeable. In the most modest words, it was a pair of incomparable beauties.

  Miyuki smiled broadly, and Lina blushed slightly and shyly looked away from Tatsuya.

  (Cover Illustration)

  At that moment the doorbell rang.

  The hands of the analog wall clock showed 6:29.

  The large sedan, driven by Hyougo, drove Tatsuya, Miyuki and Lina to an underground car park in a mid-rise building in the city center. Both Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Lina looked like themselves, since Maya received an indication that "no camouflage is needed."

  Which, in fact, was confirmed when they got out of the car - there were no signs of media employees within sight. As Hyougo explained, the parking lot was designed so that the entrance gates would not open without a special invitation, in which the electronic key is integrated. In other words, the venue for today's meeting was a club with a closed membership, which is not allowed outsiders.

  Hyougo presented an invitation at the reception. The clerk, a middle-aged man in a three-piece suit, stepped out from the counter and led Tatsuya and the others into a separate room.

  At first glance, this room might have seemed to have a window leading out, but it turned out to be a large high-resolution display that displayed a view of the city.

  Judging by the air circulation, air conditioning worked in the room. It seems that an entire air conditioning system was built in over the ceiling. Apparently, this room was completely isolated from the rest of the building.

  They waited less than five minutes. The clerk brought Hayama, as well as two people of European appearance - an elderly man and a woman in a business suit. The woman also had Japanese facial features, so maybe she was of Japanese descent.

  Before Hayama had time to introduce an elderly man, Lina broke out "A!" From her face one could understand that this person is quite famous in the USNA.

  “Tatsuya-sama, Miyuki-sama.” - Hayama turned to Tatsuya and Miyuki, calling their Page 76

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  names not in the usual, but in the reverse order.

  “This gentleman is the USNA Senator from Virginia, His Excellency Wyatt Curtis.”

  “My name is Wyatt Curtis.“

  Curtis did not wait until Hayama introduced Tatsuya and Miyuki, took a step forward and extended his hand to Tatsuya.

  “My name is Shiba Tatsuya. Pleased to meet you.”

  Without waiting for the reaction of Hayama or Miyuki, Tatsuya shook his hand extended to him.

  “And this is my bride, Shiba Miyuki.”

  “My name is Shiba Miyuki. I am honored to meet you.“

  “Mutually.“ - Curtis answered the bowed Miyuki and also bowed back. Judging by the greeting, his Japanese was pretty good, and he seemed to have some respect for the Japanese rules of conduct.

  “Your Excellency Senator, my name is Angelina Kudou Shields. I am honored to meet you.“

  “Major Angie Sirius from the Stars, then? Wyatt Curtis. Pleased to meet you.“

  However, he answered Lina, even in English, but somehow arrogantly and arrogantly.

  Lina was not surprised that he guessed her personality. And the secret of how he knew this, Curtis himself told, after they all sat down.

  “I'm - uh... the younger brother of Major Benjamin Canopus's grandmother from Stars.

  His real name is Loews. In Japanese it would be grandmother’s brother?”

  He spoke the last sentence in a low voice to a woman of European appearance standing behind him.

  She leaned over and whispered in his ear.

  “Exactly, I'm his "cousin grandfather.““

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  “Sorry, senator.“

  Lina turned to Curtis in Japanese.


  This time, Curtis also answered in Japanese.

  “With all due respect, but if you are just a relative of Ben... Major Canopus, then you should not know that I am Sirius. So rumors that you have close ties in Langley - is that true?“

  Mentioned by Lina, "Langley" is the popular name of the Central Intelligence Agency of the USNA. In the first half of the century, the CIA lost a significant part of its influence, however, during the Third World War, it again became the strongest intelligence organization in America.

  “Hm... And you're a pretty straightforward person, Major. This is usually considered a good character trait, but in some cases it can be harmful.“

  Lina shuddered all over.

  “I'm sorry if I offended you, senator.”

  “No, nothing like that.” - Curtis said and looked from Lina to Tatsuya.

  “As the major said, I have some influence in the CIA.”

  “I already understood that your excellency has more opportunities than the senator.”

  Curtis smiled contented as he heard Tatsuya answer.

  “In that case, I think you will believe what I tell you now.” - He said as an introduction, after which he continued: “Shiba-dono. I can provide you with a convenient means to reach the Northwest Hawaiian Islands. In other words, a ship.”

  Miyuki and Lina simultaneously rounded their eyes and covered their mouth with a hand.

  “This is a rather generous offer.”

  In contrast to them, Tatsuya answered in a dry tone and with an indifferent face. His Page 78

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  attitude seemed to say: "this is what I expected."

  “Your Excellency. If it does not bother you, could you tell me what are your goals and motives?“

  “I would like to ask for the release of Benjamin Loews, the Midway prison inmate.

  Organize an escape, to be more precise. Shiba-dono, if you fulfill this request, then I am ready to take on the settlement of the consequences of all that you have done in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands.”

  “Such conditions seem somehow too convenient for me...”

  Having said this in a doubtful voice, Tatsuya showed Curtis that he wanted an explanation. By the way, he used the universal pronoun "I" [watashi] instead of the formal "I" [jibun], firstly, taking into account the fact that Curtis had little experience in Japanese. But it was also a reflection of the fact that the psychological distance between him and the forces of self-defense was gradually increasing.

  “Do you think so?”

  Tatsuya expressed his true feelings out loud, but Senator Curtis seemed to have a different opinion.

  “Although I said that I will organize a ship that will deliver to the place, but our ship will not be able to participate in the attack against the military facility of our country.”

  “By itself.”

  “Of course, I promise full support in terms of supplies... However, I completely leave the capture of Midway Prison and Pearl & Hermes Base to you, Shiba-dono, and to people from the Yotsuba family.”

  These words of Curtis confused Tatsuya. He spoke as if it was natural that the Yotsuba family would support Tatsuya. Yes, formally Tatsuya was made the son of the head of the Yotsuba family. If you know only superficial facts, then it will naturally be thought that the Yotsuba family will send reinforcements for him.

  But Wyatt Curtis, in his own words and in the words of Lina, is a politician who has a strong influence on the external intelligence of the United States Army. Does he really not know that until recently, Tatsuya was treated coolly within the Yotsuba family?

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  “In a sense, I take all the risks of starting a war with the States.”

  But now you should focus all your attention on this conversation. Hearing the continuation of Curtis's words, Tatsuya sent to the far corner of consciousness all doubts arising in his head.

  “The most responsible part is assigned to you, so it will be natural for me to undertake the preparation and elimination of the consequences.”

  “I understood your train of thought, Excellency. But why do you need to go this far and arrange for Major Canopus to escape from prison? I heard from Mi
ss Shields that Midway Prison is a place where nothing threatens prisoners. If this is the case, then instead of escaping from prison, which in the future may leave a stain on the reputation, would it not be better to strive for release by political means, although it will take more time?”

  “Midway Prison is really a place where no one is harmed by the prisoners. On the contrary, we can say that the health of prisoners there is monitored at a level not comparable to regular prisons. What you said, Shiba-dono, is the logical and wise choice.”

  “Do you mean that it is not a matter of logic?”

  Curtis smiled broadly at Tatsuya's comment.

  “Exactly. You are pretty understanding for your young age. This is not a matter of logic.

  There is a problem in honor. You might think that this is some kind of nonsense, but when a tarnished honor silences you - this is tantamount to political defeat. Sending a relative to prison in itself is already a humiliation. And if at the same time the convict is also not guilty, then this is already like an insulting provocation, as if saying "we are not afraid of you." Politicians should not ignore insults. Must not be allowed to look down upon oneself.”

  “Does this mean that in connection with your political life, do you need Major Canopus to be released as soon as possible, and not in such a way, when he was sent to the prison itself?”

  Hearing Tatsuya's remark in the top ten, Curtis whispered, “Excellent!” [Excellent!].

  “That's right. As a politician, I cannot wait to be released at the end of the sentence.

  But this is not the only reason.”

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  Curtis paused and held out his hand to the glass on the table. But not because it was difficult for him to continue talking, but simply because he wanted to drink.

  “Currently, the military circles of my country are contaminated with parasites.”

  It seemed that Curtis's voice became more serious.

  “The distribution that began with the Stars... the reproduction of parasites has stopped so far, but their influence continues to grow day after day.“

  Tatsuya was not surprised. Without the significant presence of the Parasites, an attack on Miyakijima and Minoru would not have helped with the escape from the country.

  “The states are a democratic state. Both the army and the government are doing everything for the people. All evil spirits should not monopolize their places there. You can’t let them host there. It needs to be stopped.”

  “Good. I understood you.”

  Curtis talked in a fervent manner typical of the old people, to which Tatsuya answered him with a soothing tone of agreement.

  “In addition to rescuing Major Canopus, you also want to destroy the Parasites who helped with the escape of Kudou Minoru.”

  “Can you do it?” - Curtis asked hopefully.

  “I think this will inevitably happen in the course of achieving my goal.”

  Such an answer by Tatsuya did not mean any boasting of force. He just expressed his indirect consent.

  “If we both achieve the results we want, then I would like to ask for a good relationship in the future.”

  At first, Curtis said somehow vaguely,

  “If this case ends as we both wish, then I promise that my faction will side with the Shiba-dono bride when she becomes the head of the Yotsuba family.”

  But immediately after that he announced specific conditions.

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  Tatsuya could not help but be surprised at this proposal. This meant that the USNA Senator, and a powerful politician with a strong influence on the CIA, would become the patron of Miyuki.

  “... Hayama-san.”

  Tatsuya wanted to ask Hayama if Maya agreed to this.

  “Madam in the know.”

  But Hayama was ahead of him, answering earlier.

  “... Your Excellency. I am ready to take on the task of saving Major Canopus.”

  Tatsuya said in plain text, without introducing any ambiguity.

  It also meant a complete rejection of the option “not to help Canopus,” but Tatsuya could not answer “no” to a proposal that would strengthen Miyuki’s position.

  “Thank you very much.”

  Curtis stood up and held out his right hand.

  Tatsuya also stood up and shook Curtis's hand.

  “The ship is already prepared. Three days later, the destroyer will approach Miyakijima.

  I’ll send a detailed schedule later.”

  Curtis Tatsuya promised during a handshake.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Thursday, July 18th.

  Upon arrival at the service, Kazama was first called into the office of the brigade commander.

  “Lieutenant Colonel, do you know the USS Senator Wyatt Curtis?”

  Having received such a question immediately after the greeting, Kazama thought for a Page 82

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  few seconds.

  “As far as I know, this is an influential politician, consisting of a conservative faction of hawks, who, according to rumors, is the "backroom director of the CIA." And what's up with that Senator Curtis?”

  “Yesterday he visited Japan on an unofficial visit.”

  “Unofficial? Did he come to discuss how to respond to the actions of the NSU?”

  Kazama’s proposed course of events was also quite possible, but Saeki did not take it seriously. She continued to speak, ignoring Kazama's words.

  “It seems that the intelligence department was not able to track all the activities of Senator Curtis, however, presumably, last night he made contact with the Yotsuba family.”

  “With Yotsuba?”

  “A person allegedly from the immediate circle of the head of the Yotsuba family was spotted talking to a secretary-translator of Senator Curtis.”

  “Presumably? That is, it is not confirmed?”

  “It seems that some illegal jamming device was used, as it was not possible to take photographs.“

  Although she said about the “illegal device,” covert photography is also illegal. The photographs obtained in this way cannot be used in the investigation against foreign political figures.

  “However, according to the report of the monitoring agent of the intelligence department, it was almost certainly a certain Hayama Tadanori, close to Yotsuba Maya.”

  “That Hayama who runs the servant in the main house of Yotsuba...?” Large figure.

  “Just a servant of one of the Ten Master Clans. There is no need to exercise excessive vigilance.”

  Saeki cut off in a cold tone. But a small amount of bluff was also visible in her tone.

  Hayama at one time secretly helped in the very war that led to the collapse of Dahan Page 83

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  and to the fact that Yotsuba was called the "Untouchables." He could be called a kind of

  "rear officer" who helped the then head of the Yotsuba Genzou * family by preparing means for penetration and choosing effective targets for attack. Nicknamed the "Silver Fox" and being a skilled strategist, Saeki should not have been so dismissive of this man.

  [For some reason, the name Genzou is written with a different symbol "gen", before all the time it was different (including in the picture of the pedigree from volume 16).

  Either sealed, or xs...]

  But Kazama did not say it out loud. He still had a sense of restraint in relation to a superior officer.

  “If at such a time, Senator Curtis made contact with the Yotsuba family...”

  Instead, Kazama outlined his findings from the information he had just heard.

  “... then maybe he asked the Yotsuba family to destroy the Parasites that had invaded the American army? In exchange, he agreed to attack the Midway Prison and provided funds to chase Kudou Minoru.”

  “... But why did Wyatt Curtis make such a deal?”

  “They say that the senator is not only politically conservative, but also a religiously conservative politician. For a person with such beliefs, the very existence of Parasites is unacceptable.“

  By his reasoning, Kazama guessed only part of Curtis’s motivation, but he guessed the content of the deal almost completely.

  “Having arranged cleaning from Parasites with the help of internal troops, you will inevitably get the stigma of the instigator of internal strife. So he decided to entrust the

  "cleaning" to the Yotsuba family?“

  “And this too, but in my opinion, this is simply the result of the calculation of military force. As you said, Your Excellency, if we try to destroy the Parasites on our own, then friendly fire cannot be avoided. You can’t just send a large number of troops, as this will entail a deterioration in reputation. And Tatsuya alone has power comparable to an entire army. If he does not need to worry about the round trip, then he alone will easily destroy one or two military bases in one go.“