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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol. 30 Page 3

  Saegusa Koichi spoke up, taking advantage of a convenient moment after Mitsui Gen's speech.

  - Yotsuba-dono. Did Kudou Minoru abduct a maid from your house? What decision would the Yotsuba family offer in this case?

  Obviously, with this question posed, Koichi was trying to impose dirty work on Maya.

  - Let me think... Tatsuya, what do you think?

  Without removing a smile from her face, Maya simply threw this question Koichi to Tatsuya.

  - I believe that we do not need to force them to take responsibility.

  Tatsuya answered without hesitation.

  “If Minoru was manipulated by the Kudou family, then they too can be considered victims of the Parasite.” It is also an unbiased fact that the Kudou family is the main victim in this matter, since Minoru killed the previous head of the family. I believe that from the point of view of humanity, it would be inappropriate to condemn the grieving family for complicity, preparing to hold the funeral of His Excellency Kudou tomorrow.

  “Well said, Shiba-dono.”

  Futatsugi Mai agreed with Tatsuya in a quick manner of speech unusual for her, praising him. Perhaps she was afraid that in this case the objections would not be relevant.

  “As Shiba-dono said, Kudou Minoru is the criminal who killed the previous head of the Kudou family.” The Kudou family should not have been prepared to help such a person.

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  - From the point of view of common sense, it is. - Agreed Yatsushiro Raizou in a slightly ironic tone.

  - I also support the view that there is no need to demand compensation from the Kudou family. Saegusa-dono, does this suit you?

  “Since it suits Yotsuba-dono, I won’t mind.”

  Glancing at Mitsuya Gen, Saegusa Koichi voiced his agreement with the humbled face.

  In addition to Maya and Tatsuya, the opinion that the unity of the Ten Master Clans should not be destroyed was supported in their own words by Mai, Raizou, and Gen.

  Although the Kudou family was not one of the Ten Master Clans at the moment, it was recently among them, and it clearly stood apart from the other Eighteen Replacing Families. If you push the Kudou family beyond measure now, a system called the Ten Master Clans may weaken. This is precisely what they feared.

  Koichi also did not want to violate the established order of the Japanese magical world with the Ten Master Clans at its top. Although he sought to lower the status of the Kudou family, which retained a strong influence, despite the fact that he left the Ten Master Clans, but general devastation was not part of his plans.

  - That's great. And also, Shiba-dono.

  Mitsuya Gen did not stop even after forcing Saegusa Koichi to compromise.

  - What?

  - Yes, I agree that this place is not suitable to reveal your strength.

  - Mitsuya-dono. This is already...

  Katsuto tried to stop Gen. But he did not stop.

  “However, Shiba-dono.” Now it’s no secret to anyone that you are the same magician of the Strategic class. Your actions and statements have caused uncontrollably arising suspicions and rumors among many military and politicians both in Japan and abroad.

  You should be a little more serious about the harsh reality in which these people, fearing a threat, may show an excessive reaction.

  Gen's comments were not based on malicious intent or hatred. Rather, on the contrary, Page 22

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  he took care of Tatsuya's present and future.

  The Mitsuya family had military ties not only in Japan, but also abroad. They probably intercepted fragmentary information regarding secret plans to neutralize the "magician of the Strategic class Shiba Tatsuya."

  - I will take your advice into account. But even if you call it a well-known secret, I still can’t tell anything about myself.

  Tatsuya seemed to understand that too. However, his position has not changed.

  He had an agreement with self-defense forces, according to which he was forbidden to disclose that he was a user of the Matter Blast. In addition, he could not ignore the information received from Shiina through Miyuki.

  The Mitsuya family informed the self-defense forces of Tatsuya's plan to attack Midway Prison. Obviously, the information was transmitted to Saeki, closely associated with Tatsuya, precisely in order to prevent the implementation of this plan in practice. If you look from the appropriate point of view, Tatsuya could not help but think that this Gen's speech also had the goal of tying him hand and foot.

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  Today's extraordinary meeting of the Master Clans left Tatsuya a bad aftertaste. It was fortunate that he was not blamed for the battle with Illegal MAP, but the fact that he was in fact exposed as a magician of the Strategic class was an unacceptable result for him, despite the fact that he was not guilty of this.

  However, if you continue to be in a bad mood, then this will cause undue concern for Miyuki. Forcibly suppressing these feelings in himself, he went to the hospital where Honoka lies, which they, together with Miyuki and Lina, planned to visit after they returned from school.

  - Hi, Honoka! How are you feeling?

  When they entered the hospital ward, Lina spoke first with Honoka.

  Tatsuya and Miyuki stood behind her with a delicate lack of expression on their faces.

  In truth, Miyuki did not speak first because she felt that Honoka would be glad if Page 23

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  Tatsuya spoke first. And Tatsuya, as if having read Miyuki’s thoughts, was the first to plan to ask Honoka about her well-being.


  Lina violated this program of action with her energy.

  But she could not be blamed for this, because in advance they did not discuss who would do what. The result was a temporary lack of facial expression in Tatsuya and Miyuki.

  Perhaps Tatsuya and Miyuki showed excessive caution.

  Honoka answered Lina's question with a clear voice, without showing a single drop of disappointment.

  - All right. Although this is called “hospitalized,” I’m just here for a routine examination.

  - I see. It's good.

  Having recovered to a normal state, Tatsuya wedged into the conversation.

  “Tatsuya-san... I'm sorry to make you worry.”

  Honoka was embarrassed, but didn’t even hide her smile. Although she did not think that Tatsuya would not worry about her, but when he so openly showed his concern, she could not suppress the joy in herself.

  “Honoka, you shouldn't apologize.” Rather, I should apologize. Sorry to drag you into this. And Erica, I also created problems.

  In addition to the Tatsuya group, Honoka also came to visit Erica and Shizuku.

  Tatsuya first bowed to Honoka, and then said an apology to Erica.

  “What are you saying, Tatsuya-san!” You are not to blame!

  - Right. Those villains are to blame. Fortunately, neither Honoka nor Mizuki were injured, so Tatsuya-kun does not need to take responsibility, right?

  Honoka was energetic, and Erica, with a barely perceptible smile, shook his head from side to side.

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  - I am very glad that no one was hurt. And I'm not only about Honoka and Mizuki, but about Erica, Saijou-kun and Yoshida-kun too.

  Miyuki’s words were from the bottom of their hearts, but were also designed to prevent Tatsuya from continuing to apologize.

  - Right. Mizuki also missed school today, but this is due to precautions so that yesterday does not happen again. And as for Leo and Miki... in a sense, they are able to take care of themselves.

  As Erica said, as a precaution, Mizuki stayed home today. But Leo and Mikihiko did not come, because they were too shy to come to the girl’s personal (not shared) hospital ward.

  “I also think that Tatsuya-san’s guilt is not here, but...”

  The remark of Shizuku, who was silent before, sounded a little different from the general flow of conversation.

  Shizuku stared at Tatsuya. There was no smile on her face.

  “I want Tatsuya-san to protect Honoka so that this never happens again.”

  She had an absolutely serious tone, in which there was not a fraction of playfulness.

  Her face was absolutely serious.

  - Uh !? Honoka screamed. Erica and Lina were also openly surprised.

  For some reason, there was no surprise or anger on Miyuki’s face.... But there was no smile either.

  “I think you know that I'm a man from the Yotsuba family of the Ten Master Clans.”

  Tatsuya's answer to Shizuku’s question sounded more like a “question” than a


  - Yeah.

  Shizuku answered, not Honoka. Honoka herself only stared at Tatsuya, holding her breath.

  - Previously, I assumed in my future separation from the Yotsuba family... Or even Page 25

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  confrontation with her. But now I'm going to live like a magician in the Yotsuba family.

  When Miyuki heard Tatsuya continue to speak, her face darkened for a moment.

  “Being under my protection means for Honoka that she too will become a magician working for the Yotsuba family.” She will not be able to live a normal life. Including as a magician. However...

  - And yet, I do not mind.

  Harnessing her strength, Honoka issued an answer confirming the acceptance of what Tatsuya had said.

  There was no shiver in her eyes aimed at Tatsuya.

  But when she turned her eyes from Tatsuya to Miyuki, indecision appeared in her gaze.

  “But then... Miyuki, does that suit you?”

; Hearing Honoka, Miyuki looked away.

  However, she immediately turned back and looked Honoka directly in the eye.

  “Honestly... I don't like this.” Because Honoka is an attractive girl. But at the same time with this feeling of rejection, I am glad that we can together be the support of Tatsuya-sama.

  - Miyuki... Yeah, I'll try.

  Miyuki and Honoka smiled at each other. But the smiles of both were strained. Miyuki's smile was clearly feigned, and Honoka's smile lacked self-confidence. However, neither in their words, nor in their eyes was a lie.

  “However... ” Miyuki said and turned to Tatsuya. Her smile, which she gave to Tatsuya, shone dazzlingly. “It is forbidden to change, Tatsuya-sama.”

  “Now something like this could not be said,” Tatsuya moaned in his thoughts, not even changing his face.

  - Now something like this could not be said...

  And then suddenly Lina's voice came.

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  As expected... The atmosphere was ruined.

  However, there was no one here who did not understand that the cause of the damage to the atmosphere was precisely the defiant act of Miyuki.

  -... Of course. Tatsuya answered, making his face as serious as he could.

  Honoka's face, meanwhile, had already begun to twitch from a constant smile.

  - So greedy. Whispered Shizuku, standing to the side of Honoka.

  (Colored Illustration)

  ◊ ◊ ◊

  7 p.m. Lina had dinner again at the same table with Tatsuya and Miyuki. However, today she was not just waiting at the table, as usual, but was in the kitchen with Miyuki.

  Unfortunately, she still did not have the level to call it "cooking together." Rather, it was only "Miyuki's help."

  “... I didn’t expect Shizuku to talk about something like this...”

  With great difficulty wielding chopsticks, Lina spoke to Tatsuya.... Miyuki in a rather Spartan manner did not allow Lina to use a knife and a fork instead of sticks.

  - It really was unexpected.

  Neither Tatsuya nor Miyuki asked what exactly Lina meant by the word "such." To Shizuku’s “request” expressed by the words “I want Tatsuya-san to defend Honoka,”

  Tatsuya replied “I will take Honoka, Erica and the others” under my protection. And all this corresponded to the impression of Lina, which she voiced last night with the words

  "it looks like you were going to establish your kingdom."

  “But for you, Tatsuya, on the contrary, circumstances are preferable when the other side itself has asked for protection, isn't it?”

  - Yes.... But in fact, it would be better if the situation did not go so far that my defense would really be required.

  Lina unexpectedly seriously took these words of Tatsuya, which he spoke more likely to Page 27

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  “... Honoka is also a magician.” Therefore, for her, the probability of getting into a dangerous situation is already quite high, regardless of Onii-sama.

  - B-right. People who seek out powerful magicians, and make them work for themselves against their will, are in the government, and in civil organizations, and in criminal gangs. Therefore, Honoka should be happy to be protected by Tatsuya.

  Miyuki and Lina hurriedly spoke in a distracting manner. More precisely, only Lina was nervous and hasty. Miyuki's words were more like convincing herself.

  -...Yes you are right. In addition, in this case, this does not mean that I have to do something right now.

  -...Right. Now it’s better to give priority to Minami-chan.

  The chopsticks of all three froze. The air became heavier, as if preventing this time from escaping or evading an answer.

  “... I don't know if I should say this, but is it normal that you are not busy chasing after Minami?” Aren't you going to give up?

  - Of course, I do not intend to give up. - Without hesitation, Tatsuya answered Lina's question.

  There was no indecision in his words.

  A sad expression disappeared from Miyuki's face.

  - I know the location. Now she... about 1,200 kilometers east of Tokyo. It moves underwater in the Pacific Ocean at a speed of 35 knots.

  “Do you know so much !?”

  From the last words, Tatsuya Lina widened her eyes.

  Her sticks even fell out of her hand.

  Miyuki looked at Lina sitting across from her with a disapproving look.

  - Sorry. - Lina whispered, picked up the fallen sticks on the tablecloth and laid them on a Page 28

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  ceramic stand for sticks.

  After ascertaining that Lina was not too lazy to put her wands properly, Miyuki turned to Tatsuya and asked:

  - Speaking under water, do you mean that she is in a submarine?

  Needless to say, Miyuki herself, following the rules of etiquette, put her chopsticks on a stand right after she interrupted her meal.

  “This is not known to me.” It can also be a fully submersible vessel.... More importantly, the food cools down. Let's talk about food.

  - Really.

  “A fully submersible vessel?” And you know a lot...

  Although Miyuki and Lina reacted differently, they both continued to eat after Tatsuya.

  - Moving east of Tokyo... Maybe Hawaii? Or...

  Although Lina tried to pretend that something had crossed her mind, it was obvious that she was giving her expectations as reality. She thought it a convenient coincidence that the ship with the Mines aboard was heading towards Midway Island.

  Neither Tatsuya nor Miyuki accused her of such recklessness. They both understood that Benjamin Canopus, a prisoner in Midway Prison, was dear to Lina, and she worried about him about the same way they worried about Minami.

  - Obviously, the destination is neither the main island of the Hawaiian archipelago, nor Oahu. They go either to Midway Island or to the atoll next to it...

  Undoubtedly, this is precisely why Tatsuya led the conversation in the direction Lina desired.

  - Lina, are there any American military bases in the northwest of the Hawaiian Islands?

  Tatsuya heard from the Mitsuya family that an American military base is located on Pearl & Hermes Atoll. However, he decided to ask Lina this question, hinting that he could pay attention to Midway Prison.

  “I heard that the Pearl & Hermes Atoll has a navy supply base.”

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  But, unfortunately, Lina was unexpectedly serious. She did not notice the hint of Tatsuya and only answered what was asked of her.

  Miyuki stared at Lina with a frustrated look, trying to convey to her the thought, "No, no!"

  And Tatsuya sitting next to her patiently continued to ask Lina questions.

  “And what did you hear about her?”

  - I did not check every local base among those that were not planned to be used. I'm not a fleet officer.

  “So it's not such a big base?”

  - Probably. I think I would remember if it were an important base.

  "Himself, perhaps, say...?"

  Tatsuya was already starting to have a headache.

  And Miyuki, moving away from this conversation, focused on food.

  - So, this is a base that is remote from the mainland and about which it is not known how many military personnel there are? A suitable place to keep an abducted person there.

  “... Tatsuya, do you think their destination is Pearl & Hermes base?” - timidly asked Tatsuya Lina.

  Tatsuya no longer had the desire to continue doing bullshit tonight.

  “And I'm not going to ignore the likelihood that a kidnapped person might be imprisoned on Midway Island.”

  Lina breathed a sigh of relief.

  Miyuki glanced briefly at Lina. This look said: “what a troublesome and care-taking child,” but Lina didn’t even notice that Miyuki looked at her.

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  Chapter 2

  Sunday, July 14th. 9 a.m.

  As planned, Lt. Col. Kazama flew to Iwo Island.

  Kazama's assistant, Senior Lieutenant Fujibayashi, went to Nara to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Kudou Retsu. Kazama's escort today was Major Yanagi and several junior officers and soldiers of a separate magically equipped battalion.

  Also with him were two more "fellow travelers" - Jasmine Williams and James J.

  Johnson, combat magicians from Australia. In the spring of this year, they were caught red-handed for attempting to commit sabotage in Okinawa, and until yesterday were imprisoned in a military prison (not in the one for prisoners of war, but in the one containing enemy soldiers who are not considered prisoners of war). Kazama's task was to hand these two over to a representative of the Australian army, who would arrive on Iwo Island.